How to Keep Your Vacant Property Safe
A vacant home is a tempting and easy target for a burglar. Even in an empty house, there are still valuable items, such as: copper wiring, plumbing, appliances, not to mention the possible damage that intruders could cause. It is imperative that you take preventive measures to minimize the possibilities of your vacant home being targeted by criminals or being vandalized. The following list includes basic security tips to help you protect your vacant home.
• Completely Lock Up Your House - This may seem like a simple rule, but you must consider all the ways your house could be broken into. These include the front door, backdoor, the man door to the garage, and all the first floor windows.
• Social Media - Remember, thieves are savvy and they will use social media to their advantage. If a thief knows your home will be vacant, you just opened the door to be robbed.
• Enlist Help - Notify your neighbors and local police department that the house is vacant and when a new tenant will be moving in. Randomly, drive by your house to watch for anything that seems unusual. Ask your neighbors or friends to watch your house and notify you if they see anything that is suspicious. If your friends or neighbors see anything unusual, ask them to also call the police, so action can be taken immediately.
• Maintain the Outside - Mow the lawn and pick up the trash on a scheduled basis, or hire a lawn-care company. An unkempt lawn is a sure sign of a vacant house.
• Notify the Post Office and Stop All Deliveries - Piled up newspapers and mail is a sure sign of a vacant house. Ask a neighbor to notify you if anything is delivered to the house. Also, ask them to pick up any mail or newspapers that may pile up on the front steps or if mail is visible in the mail box.
• Timed Lights - Purchase a timer that can turn the lights on and off automatically. If a burglar is scoping out your house, they will notice the lights turning on and off and probably assume that someone is in the house.
• Curtains - Make sure your curtains and blinds are closed. This will make it harder for thieves to scope out your house. If you leave the blinds and curtains open, this will allow thieves to see what is of value in your house. If they don't know what's in your house, it may not be worth their while to break in.
• Driveway - Talk to your neighbors and let them know they can use your driveway. If a car is parked in the driveway, a potential bugler may think someone is home. The burglar may become confused and not want to risk being caught. They may simply move on to another house.
• Security System - Placing a sign or stickers on the doors and windows that the house is protected by a security system will deter thieves. Most security systems have 24 hour monitoring; if a burglar sees this they will most likely move on to the next house.
When you are trying to sell or rent out your house, the last thing you want to do is to worry about it being broken into or vandalized. These simple steps will help you to protect your property until it is once again occupied.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Zuren_PhD.