9 Ways to Update Your Vacation Rental for Millennial Travelers

Odds are, your vacation rental features haven’t changed much in the past 20 years. But guess what? Your guest demographics have. According to a recent AARP study [1], Millennials will take significantly more trips in coming years than GenX-ers or Baby Boomers. They’re also more likely to book a weekend trip. The Millennials are coming! And updating your home to make their stay more comfortable can give you a leg up on the competition.To find out what Millennials want in their vacation rentals, we surveyed the Millennial vacation rental aficionados at my company—which is to say, most of the people in our 300-plus person office. It’s not a perfect study, but the folks we surveyed regularly book vacation homes for work and fun. In fact, the Millennials we spoke to are so passionate about staying at vacation rentals that many even admit to sharing their favorite homes with coworkers on our in-office instant messaging platform.According to our team, these are the features that make all the difference when marketing your vacation home to Millennials.
9 Ways to Update Your Vacation Rental for Millennial Travelers
1. Lightning-Fast WiFi
Speedy WiFi is a top selling point for Millennials. Invest in better bandwidth and bask in the glory of positive reviews and a full calendar.
2. Smart Devices
Millennials may be the first generation to actually hate your VHS tapes. Treat them to a streaming media device so they can watch their own collections. That fancy HDTV you advertise is just a big-screen disappointment if not paired with some sort of streaming capability.
3. Instagram-Worthy Spaces
Increasingly, spaces are being designed with Instagram in mind. [2] If a room in your home gets fantastic natural light, set it up for memorable guest photos. Bright colors and big contrast make all the difference.
4. Relevant Games
Your Trivial Pursuit Genus Edition from 1981 isn’t helping you woo Millennials. Try refreshing your game selection with newer favorites like Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity.
5. Chef’s Kitchen
Millennials are less likely to be homeowners but more likely to boast kitchens with chef-level accoutrements. Help them feel at home by upgrading your knives, blender, and pots and pans.
6. Convenient Outlets
Nothing frustrates Millennials more than having to get out of bed to access their devices. Install USB-enabled outlets near all beds and common areas.
7. The Right Sound
Millennials value modern convenience and classic vibes. Install Bluetooth speakers and invest in a record player and a library of timeless vinyl. Don’t forget the Coltrane.
8. Coffee Is King
Your coffee maker is "meh" to Millennials. Top off your listing with a French press or AeroPress—or go all-out with an espresso machine to maximize bookings from the most sophisticated coffee generation yet.
9. Kid Toys for Adults
They say Millennials never want to grow up. We say they just know how to have fun. Invest in some adult-sized kid toys like unexpected pool floats, sleds, and beach balls. A couple of fidget spinners wouldn't hurt either.Branding your vacation home for Millennials opens the door to the next generation of travelers. Nearly 60 percent of Millennials are active on Instagram, and around the same number (62 percent) are active on Facebook. If you make the right updates and show your Millennial guests a good time, they’re likely to take to social media and help do some marketing for you. Sources [1] https://www.aarp.org/content/dam/aarp/research/surveys_statistics/life-leisure/2017-travel-trends.pdf [2] https://www.cntraveler.com/story/color-factoryHow do you tweak your marketing to cater to the Millennial audience? Let me know with a comment!