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3 Tips for Marketing Your Multifamily Investment Property [Video!]

Sterling White
1 min read
3 Tips for Marketing Your Multifamily Investment Property [Video!]

So now you own a multifamily investment property. But how do you keep it filled and cash-flowing?

Today, I talk about some tips and keys to marketing your multifamily building I have learned.

From creating and posting content to social media sites to making sure you post your apartment to the most important leasing sites, these tips will help you when trying to find quality tenants in your market.

3 Tips for Marketing Your Multifamily Investment Property [Video!]

Related: 5 Reasons Single Family Investors Are Turning to Multifamily Apartments

When you’re marketing your multifamily building, make sure to:

  1. Create a professional website for the individual property. You can outsource the design to a site like
  2. List the apartment on all major rental sites. This includes,,, and more.
  3. Put up a social media page for the individual property. Be sure to hit all the usuals, including Facebook, Instagram, etc. You can even target ads to individuals likely to move within a 10-mile radius of the home you’re advertising.

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Any tips you’d add to this list?

Let’s talk below.

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.