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The No. 1 Way to Drive Business Growth in 2020? Build a Solid Online Presence—Here’s How

Matt Myre
3 min read
The No. 1 Way to Drive Business Growth in 2020? Build a Solid Online Presence—Here’s How

The biggest problem anyone in business faces today is determining their value proposition. I say it’s the biggest issue because business is more competitive than ever before.

When it comes to real estate, if you’re an agent without a value proposition, you can’t generate leads, can’t drive sales, and therefore, you have no income.

The value proposition you offer as an agent is the key to your success in real estate. But due to the sheer number of licensed Realtors in the U.S., how do you prove that you’re the best agent to buy, sell, or invest in a home with? Especially when every real estate agent basically offers the same services as one another.

Create Digital Content

We live in a world where we have 24/7 access to in-depth information for free. No longer is a trip to the library required for you to learn something new. You can simply type something inside Google’s search bar and learn about anything within two seconds.

This also means that hardly anyone, especially Millennials and younger, will be going out of their way to physically contact a professional service to get information. They will simply go to Google.

As a real estate agent, you need to realize this, put down the phone, and start investing in your online presence by creating and curating quality digital content.

Related: How to Drastically Increase Real Estate Lead Generation (From the Comfort of Your Desk Chair!)

smiling dark haired girl listening to white headphones and smiling sitting outside in urban setting

Content in the form of blog articles, YouTube videos, podcasts, and many other mediums.

Create content that answers your prospects’ and clients’ questions so that they don’t have to call you to figure something out.

Sounds counterintuitive, doesn’t it? To just divulge information like that and put the consumer in a position where they no longer are in search of answers?

Well, actually, it isn’t. Here’s why.

Your Content Builds Trust

Odds are that people aren’t just searching up real estate questions for fun. They most likely have a need to fulfill.

If you write an article about how someone can sell their home as-is and someone stumbles upon it. They most likely are thinking about selling their home as-is or already is in the process of doing so.

Let’s say they really enjoyed your article, and they notice you have a ton of other posts where you display your expertise in selling real estate. They bookmark the page and subscribe to you so that they can read your content as it comes out.

They trust you.

They see you as a valid and reputable source of professional advice. Plus, they happen to live in the same real estate market. How convenient!

Some time has passed and now, after reading a few more of your articles, they’re ready to sell their home.

Who do you think they contact?

Related: The Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Marketing: 10 Tools to Generate Unlimited Leads

I can bet you that 99/100 times, they’re going to contact you—the agent who has been discreetly helping them this whole time.

Now, if you could convert this prospect into a client without actively pestering them until they submit, how many others do you think you could get?

By the way, on average, 63,000 people search for something on Google every second.

real estate agent
Number of Google searches for “real estate agent” in the United States (Feb. 2019 – Jan. 2020)

Your Content Makes You Look Like a Rockstar

Most people don’t have a website. This makes a person with a website someone special.

Humans really like special things. They also gravitate toward people who have an authoritative presence.

By creating your own real estate content, not only are you cutting through the noise of millions of other agents who aren’t making content, but you also look super awesome and cool to your prospects.

People who are visible online and have a voice are people who usually have influence.

Handsome young African man in shirt telling something and smiling while making social media video

Due to your display of real estate knowledge on your website, not only are you more trusted as an agent, but you also carry a celebrity vibe.

The leads you gain from your website see you as an authority. You’re different, you’re exciting, you’re a rockstar.

You’re someone they want to work with because they believe you have what it takes to get the job done.

Final Thoughts

Content creation and marketing have been happening throughout the ages. It’s just now easier than ever to do it.

As real estate agents, we have the perfect opportunity to dominate our markets with digital content and become the go-to agents—especially when we have tools like Facebook Ads and Google Ads where we can ensure people see our work.

Do yourself a favor and start investing in your online presence with content. Do it as a means to help people, not sell them your services.

I’ve seen my business grow from the content I create, and I know yours can, too.

In 2020 and beyond, be a digital resource. That’s where the success is.

business podcast ad for blog

What’s your current presence online like? What are your future plans?

Share below in the comment section!

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.