Tempe LGBT Flag Dispute Raises Question: Can Landlords Ban Flags and Political Signs?
When can landlords ban political signs and flags? The answer is more complicated than you think, with different states protecting different tenant rights.
Brian Davis runs a real estate investment club at SparkRental.com, allowing members to pool funds for fractional investing. His mission: to help working people invest in real estate passively, with far less cash than they’d otherwise need to buy properties or invest in real estate syndications.
Brian owns an interest in over 1,500 units and has owned dozens of rental properties directly over the last two decades. In addition to his work at SparkRental, he continues freelance writing on the side for fun and has written for Inman, R.E.Tipster, Coach Carson, Think Save Retire, 1500 Days, Money Crashers, and of course, BiggerPockets.
Today he spends most of the year traveling overseas with his wife and young daughter. He hikes and cooks well, surfs badly, and scuba dives without dying (yet).
SparkRental’s Facebook
Brian Davis runs a real estate investment club at SparkRental.com, allowing members to pool funds for fractional investing. His mission: to help working people invest in real estate passively, with far less cash than they’d otherwise need to buy properties or invest in real estate syndications.
Brian owns an interest in over 1,500 units and has owned dozens of rental properties directly over the last two decades. In addition to his work at SparkRental, he continues freelance writing on the side for fun and has written for Inman, R.E.Tipster, Coach Carson, Think Save Retire, 1500 Days, Money Crashers, and of course, BiggerPockets.
Today he spends most of the year traveling overseas with his wife and young daughter. He hikes and cooks well, surfs badly, and scuba dives without dying (yet).
SparkRental’s Facebook
When can landlords ban political signs and flags? The answer is more complicated than you think, with different states protecting different tenant rights.
Do landlords see a return on smart home upgrades in their rentals? Here are 7 cheap smart home features worth considering for higher rents and returns.