7 Turnkey Investing Tips You Can’t Afford to Miss
If you're looking to land a turnkey investment property, especially out of state, there's some vital information you should know BEFORE jumping in. These types of investments are not for…
If you're looking to land a turnkey investment property, especially out of state, there's some vital information you should know BEFORE jumping in. These types of investments are not for…
Putting the very best tenants in your rentals can make or break your landlording business. Here are 12 crucial tips from an expert!
Thinking of attending a real estate investing conference? Maybe you're having a hard time committing due to all the competing areas in life—family, kids, job, etc. I know it can…
Successfully obtaining private money is an art—and requires you to speak the right language and understand the industry. Learn key preparatory steps here.
NBA great Michael Jordan once said, "Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." Want to be a real estate champ? Hire the best! Here's who you're going to…
Overwhelmed by the thought of landing that first multifamily property? Break down the process to make it achievable! Here's how.
Want to snag an awesome real estate deal for cheap? Auctions might seem like your ideal option—but beware: there are hidden risks and costs. Here's why the numbers MIGHT not…
Newbies: You can't do it alone! If you want a good chance at success, be SURE to have these 20 team members at hand—because you WILL need them.
Working in a real estate business with your spouse can be an awesome, strengthening experience—or a complete fail. Follow these tips to survive!
The days of ONLY utilizing the MLS are long gone! Instead of whining and complaining, increase your deal-finding abilities by recruiting bird dogs.
"Not easy but worth it" is the mantra of many an investor. Especially when you're new, be ready to sacrifice a few things—and keep your eyes on the prize.
If you're seeking a "yes" from lenders, you better go in prepared! Add these 8 elements to your presentation & they'll be hard pressed to turn you down.
Managing properties well is a skill learned over time. To give yourself a leg up, check out this awesome checklist to streamline your management process.
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