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The BiggerPockets Black Friday Book Sale (ALL Books Discounted + a NEW Package Deal!)

Brandon Turner
2 min read
The BiggerPockets Black Friday Book Sale (ALL Books Discounted + a NEW Package Deal!)

I’m going to make this quick, because I know you are only here for the goodies.

(You didn’t click that link, did you? You’re welcome. Now it’s stuck in your head all day.)

BiggerPockets has created some of the best real estate books ever written. And I’m not just saying that because I wrote three of them. OK, that’s partially why I’m saying that.

But seriously, these books are good. Like, “life-changing” good.  Like, “I-would-sell-my-kidney-for-this-book” good.

And this weekend they are all on sale.


Who cares? It’s Black Friday, a weird pseudo-holiday where American’s stand in line for hours to buy a TV that’s three-inches wider than the one they bought last year—all so they can watch Dancing with the Stars in just a wee-bit better clarity.

Where was I?

Oh, yeah, book sale.

Now, Black Friday might be mostly pointless, BUT not all Black Friday gifts are worthless.

Some could change your life—like these books.

So if I have to use this weird “holiday” of Black Friday and Cyber Monday to incentivize you with a MASSIVE DISCOUNT to buy these books, then I’ll do it. Because I believe in them. And I believe in you. And I believe in ‘Merica, momma, and apple pie.

Irrelevant. But true.

So, here are the details.


Related: 7 Absolute Must-Read Real Estate Books for Beginning Investors

Book Sale Details (for Those Skimming)

Get 25% off any (or all) books sold on BiggerPockets when you use coupon code GIVETHANKS17 through Monday, November 27th.

That includes:

  • The Book on Flipping Houses
  • The Book on Estimating Rehab Costs
  • The Book on Investing in Real Estate with No (and Low) Money Down
  • The Book on Rental Property Investing
  • The Book on Managing Rental Properties
  • The Book on Tax Strategies for the Savvy Real Estate Investor
  • Set for Life
  • Finding and Funding Great Deals

And we are offering a special, new package that includes the ebook and audiobook formats of ALL of our books! In this limited-time offer, you can get every ebook, every audiobook, and ALL the bonus content affiliated with our books for only $199.99! (The regular value of this package is $350, so this is an even better deal than just 25% off!) BiggerPockets authors are the foremost experts in their fields, so don’t miss out on getting a copy of EVERY BiggerPockets digital book and audiobook while you can.

So visit the BiggerPockets Store today and pick up copies for yourself or stock up because books make GREAT gifts.

Now stop reading this post and go pick up a book or eight.

You can thank me later.

Or you can leave me a nice comment below to boost my ego a bit. Yeah, do that. Thanks.

Questions? Which books are you picking up at a discount? Leave a comment below!

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.