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BiggerPockets Editorial Blog Guidelines

BiggerPockets aims to be a “one-stop shop,” bringing useful, informative insights, credible opinions, and authoritative thought leadership to our community of real estate investors, agents, industry professionals, and other members via our blog. 

Our blog content covers a wide range of personal finance topics, while primarily focusing on real estate investing-related content.

Topic Selection

All articles are created with our audience’s needs in mind. We strive to educate about market trends and changes that may impact our audience’s investment strategies, help them avoid mistakes, provide valuable tips, and empower them to make the best investing decisions possible. We work hard to bring together real estate experts, newbies, and everyone in between to gain the knowledge needed to reach their full potential.

All topics and articles must meet the RITA criteria to be considered for publication:

  • Relevant: Does the topic relate to our core audience and their needs?
  • Insightful: Does the article provide a deep understanding of the main topic and offer logical and authoritative supporting points?
  • Timely: Does the analysis of a news event or opinion align with the timing of other published coverage?
  • Actionable: Does the article offer realistic next steps to guide our audience’s real estate investing journey?

Fair and Balanced Content

There are multiple sides to every story, so our content will offer a fair and balanced view of topics that impact our industry. Our coverage of news events and op-eds will be unbiased and include arguments from both sides—either within a single article or in a point-counterpoint series.

In all articles, we will properly attribute and cite nonoriginal claims, statistics, and facts with an appropriately placed backlink. We will never speculate on strategies and trends without providing valid reasoning for our point of view.

We acknowledge there may be some industry topics and trends that are controversial. It is our responsibility to address these issues if our article offers insightful and meaningful information, allowing our audience to make the best investing decisions possible. However, we will not report on civil litigation until a settlement is reached, or a judge delivers a ruling.

When covering a topic that involves a specific person or group unflatteringly, we will reach out for a comment or statement and allow at least 24 hours for a response before publishing. If no response is received, we will indicate it as such in our article copy. If a response comes after publication, we will update the article with the statement if necessary.

BiggerPockets will be transparent about past relationships with public figures or real estate investing influencers alleged of wrongdoing.

Quality Standards

BiggerPockets holds itself in the highest regard as an authoritative real estate investing industry outlet. As such, all content published must pass our rigorous editorial standards to ensure a compelling and thought-provoking experience for our readers.

Our writers are committed to sharing investment and financial insight with accuracy to the best of their knowledge. We carefully vet all contributors to ensure they have real-life, in-the-field experience regarding the topics they cover. 

All content is professionally edited and fact-checked to provide our audience with fair and accurate information.

We do not publish content that fails to meet our standards, does not make a succinct point or argument, or excessively promotes a specific brand or product.

All content published by BiggerPockets is unique and original. Our team may use AI tools to assist in outlines and ideation, but a real person writes all the articles. Occasionally, we will update published articles to reflect new data or information and to provide more comprehensive information for our readers.

Sponsored Content

A paid sponsor may produce a small portion of our content. These articles and contributors are held to the same standard as all BiggerPockets articles, including but not limited to accuracy, integrity, accountability, and responsibility.

BiggerPockets is transparent with readers about which articles are sponsored. This content will always include a disclaimer at the top of the article informing readers of the paid partnership.

Editorial Integrity

We will hold ourselves accountable for our editorial standards and practices, and we encourage our community to let us know when we miss the mark. If you ever question the integrity of any content we publish, please call our attention to it by emailing [email protected].

To be transparent about our editorial approach and standards, we will always update this page if our priorities shift, so our audience clearly understands our mission and promise to our community. 

BiggerPockets’ content is designed to provide general information regarding the subject covered. It is not intended to serve as legal, tax, or other financial advice related to individual situations. Consult with your own attorney, CPA, and/or other advisor regarding your specific situation.