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How to Build a Million-Dollar Network of Private Money Investors

Matt Faircloth
1 min read
How to Build a Million-Dollar Network of Private Money Investors

“Your network is your net worth.” —Tim Sanders

As real estate investors, we all know the importance of building our networks. But is our network really connected to our net worth?! From my experience, the answer to this question is yes! When building a million-dollar network of private money investors, there are three levels that you want to reach.

In the video below, I go over each step showing you the way to build an enormous private money network. We’ll cover the basic to advanced stages of this process. It all begins with people who trust, like, and respect you. Then you expand beyond this group. But a strong private money network always begins with people who already trust and like you.

Related: 4 Essential Steps to Take BEFORE Seeking Private Money

How to Build a Million-Dollar Network of Private Money Investors

Rome was not built in a day. Strengthening your network of private money investors takes time, energy, commitment, and focus. Remember, private money is a marathon, not a sprint.

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What has worked for you when building your network of private money investors?

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Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.