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Syndicating Deals, Investing without Tenants, and Tax Liens with Ankit Duggal

The BiggerPockets Podcast
1 min read
Syndicating Deals, Investing without Tenants, and Tax Liens with Ankit Duggal

Dealing with tenants can be a pain… which is why on today’s show we’re going to go beyond tenants and look at some “no-tenant” methods of investing in real estate.

Specifically, we’re going to talk with real estate investor Ankit Duggal about his journey from real estate agent to syndicator to house flipper to landlord and finally to tax lien investor. Ankit has a great story and offers hundreds of great pieces of advice on this show perfect for both the new investor or someone looking to add some new skills to their investor tool belt!

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In This Show, We Cover:BiggerPockets Podcast _ Real Estate Investing and Wealth Building 9.42.11 AM

  • Getting started at a young age
  • Transitioning from Agent to Investor
  • How Ankit financed his early investments using other people’s money
  • Your three circles of influence for raising money
  • The three team members you need before syndicating
  • Investing with close family members
  • What is a tax lien and how (and why) to buy one.
  • Earning 18% on your money through Tax Liens
  • Why tax liens have almost no risk
  • How to do your due diligence on a tax lien
  • And lots more!

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Tweetable Topics

I’m not “money-driven” – I’m “lifestyle-driven.” (Click to Tweet!)

Educated yourself as an investor. That’s the first step in any investment. (Click to Tweet!)

I don’t believe in ‘get rich quick.’ You gotta put in the time and effort. (Click to Tweet!)

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Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.