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10 BiggerPockets Podcasts to Binge During Quarantine 

Bekkah Vidal
3 min read
10 BiggerPockets Podcasts to Binge During Quarantine 

Let’s face it: Life during quarantine (or self-isolation, or a stay-at-home order, or whatever is keeping you stuck at home) can get boring. You do those same things day after day. After day. After day.

While some of us might find this routine relaxing, others may want to use this time for self-improvement, including exercise, updating your home—and listening to podcasts that inspire. If you find yourself bored and looking for something to keep you entertained and savvy, check out these 10 episodes hand-picked by our podcast producer, Kevin Leahy.

Podcasts About the Recession

Episode 311: 6 Rules for Investing in Real Estate in the Coming Economic Shift with J Scott

Spend 90 minutes listening to this, and you’ll feel WAY more prepared for what’s coming. Despite the title, J actually lays down 12 (!) rules that couldn’t be more relevant today: six rules for real estate investors and six more specifically for flippers.

Episode 87: How to Thrive After the Collapse of a Real Estate Empire with Nathan Brooks

Nathan, a repeat guest and turnkey operator out of Kansas City, makes his debut in this open, honest episode. He tells of entering the business in “ready, fire, aim” fashion. This exchange says it all:

Nathan: The first time I bought a house I bought two. With no money on an assumable loan through a local bank. And boom, I was a real estate investor.

Josh: You walked in, picked up two properties with no idea what you were doing because you were listening to the guy sitting and eating a sandwich next to you and now you are like, “What on earth do I do?”

Nathan: Oh, yeah.

Josh: That’s scary, isn’t it?

Nathan: It was not necessarily, looking back, my best move.

Episode 246: Surviving the Coming Crash, Earning 20% Returns, and Buying Mobile Home Parks with Kevin Bupp

Wondering if your portfolio can withstand a drop in valuation or rent payments? You may need to “stress test” your assets—and Kevin will show you how. After all, he learned this lesson the hard way during the last crash. That experience led him to mobile home parks, a recession-resistant asset he discusses in-depth in this episode.

Related: The Top 20 Real Estate Investing Blogs—Updated!

Our Most-Downloaded Episodes

Episode 200: A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying Your First Real Estate Investment

Headphone and smart phone with soft light

You asked, and Josh and Brandon answered! What stands out about this episode? It tackles both the high-level mindset shifts necessary to get started… and the nitty-gritty details eager newbies often overlook. From “getting your life in order” to choosing your niche and market to managing rehabs and placing tenants, this is the ultimate guide to shaking off analysis paralysis.

Oh, and if you’re a visual learner, check out this epic forum thread outlining a lot of the same information.

Episode 221: Buy and Hold Real Estate—What Works and What Doesn’t with Tim Shiner

“Quality real estate”—that’s what this episode is about. Tim focuses on buying nice homes in great school districts to minimize the headaches that can come with rougher areas. It’s a refreshing take and a strategy you may want to emulate if you can’t see yourself taking on C-class properties. Plus, Tim is hilarious!

Episode 238: Becoming a Real Estate Millionaire on a Teacher’s Salary with Michael “Swanny” Swan

The title says it all! One of our most popular episodes ever, for obvious reasons. Swanny has an amazing, inspirational story and his energy is a 10 out of 10. Plus, he goes in-depth on generating multifamily leads and his decision to shift to long-distance apartment investing. A must-listen.

Brandon and David’s Top Picks

Episode 276: Early Retirement ($10K/Month) by Age 35 with Bryce Stewart

walk listen

“Vacuum the truck!” You’ll have to listen to the episode to know what that’s about… but we guarantee you won’t be able to get it out of your head. Want to develop a real estate investor’s mindset? Looking for a great market? Lost when it comes to marketing? Listen to Bryce. Be like Bryce. Vacuum the truck.

Episode 322: 3 Things Every Leader MUST Do to Scale with Ben Kinney

David Greene man-crush alert! Ben is a top-producing agent and team leader with Keller Williams, and this episode demonstrates why. It’s a masterclass in rising above the day-to-day grind and working on your business. Plus, Ben discusses the tough decisions he had to make to survive the last downturn—so it’s even more relevant today.

Related: 3 Must-Read Books for Real Estate Investors & Entrepreneurs

Episode 330: How to Ditch Distractions and Get WAY More Done with Cal Newport

Bestselling author, computer scientist, and Brandon man-crush Cal Newport delivered one of our most popular non-real-estate episodes ever. In it, he explains why becoming “so good they can’t ignore you” unlocks true freedom in life… and why weaning ourselves off social media can multiply our levels of happiness and productivity.

And Finally… A Fan Favorite!

Episode 331: 10 Deals on a $20K Waitress Salary with Ashley Hamilton

Even on second listen, this episode is a jaw-dropper. It’s probably our most-talked-about show. So… how did a blue-collar, single mother in Detroit wind up with a portfolio of (paid-off!) rental properties? Listen to find out.

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What are your favorite podcasts? Which episodes do you recommend?

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Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.