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The Book On

Advanced Tax Strategies:

Cracking the Code for Savvy Real Estate Investors

In this comprehensive follow-up to The Book on Tax Strategies, bestselling authors and CPAs Amanda Han and Matthew MacFarland bring you more strategies to slash your taxes and turn your real estate investments into a tax-saving machine.
Also available to purchase on...
230 Pages
15 Chapters
5 FREE Bonuses
36 Unique Tax Stories
17 Tax tricks to add to your strategy

A brilliant tool that will help you keep more of your hard-earned money! If you want to learn how to embrace the tax code and make it work for you instead of against you, this book is a must read. With The Book on Advanced Tax Strategies, you don't have to fear tax time or feel hopeless about the checks you'll write to the government each year. — Elizabeth Benton, Bestselling author, podcast host, and business owner
Matt and Amanda are top-notch professionals with whom I have been associated with for many years... [and] their new book gives all of us a big advantage in creating strategies that will save us money and help keep our wealth! — Bruce Norris, Real estate investor and host of the award-winning Norris Group Real Estate Radio Show
They say the only certain things in life are death and taxes. Thankfully, Amanda and Matt have made the latter much less of a sure thing! This book has a down-to-earth yet informative style that makes it fun and easy to read, while also helping to save real estate investors BIG money. — Brandon Turner, Bestselling author of The Book on Rental Property Investing and co-host of the BiggerPockets Podcast

About the Book

When it comes to taxes, it’s not about how much money you make—but how much money you actually keep.

Are you tired of working hard all year, just to lose the largest chunk of that money to the IRS?

Believe it or not, the U.S. tax system is filled with loopholes designed specifically to benefit real estate investors just like you. In this comprehensive follow-up to The Book on Tax Strategies, bestselling authors and CPAs Amanda Han and Matthew MacFarland bring you more strategies to slash your taxes and turn your real estate investments into a tax-saving machine.

Taxes saved means more money for you, your family, and more money to invest. Learning tax strategies could be the easiest money you ever make!

Inside, you'll discover:

How to use your rental properties to legally wipe out your taxable income
Tax-deferral and tax-free techniques to significantly increase your return on investments
How to supercharge your nest egg with self-directed investment strategies
Everything you need to know to take advantage of the opportunity zone tax benefits
Strategies to take cash out of a 1031 exchange without paying taxes
How to take advantage of the tax reform benefits in all of your real estate deals
Common retirement-investing tax traps and how to avoid them

Free Bonus Content with Your Purchase

Bonus video: “20 Real Estate Tax Myths Debunked" with authors Amanda & Matt

It's easy for simple tips and tricks to turn into myths, especially when it comes to taxes. This video with authors/CPAs Amanda and Matt will demystify the myths behind deductions, legal entities, depreciation, real estate professional status, and more!

Bonus chapter: “What Went wrong? Funny Court Cases on Real Estate Professional Status”

Real estate investors are some of the most creative people in the world. As such, the tax world is full of funny, outrageous, and sometimes clever court cases that reveal how investors try to claim real estate professional status.

Live Author Q&A webinar with Amanda & Matt

Questions after reading the book? Need some answers about your current tax situation? Ask your questions on anything and everything you need to know about real estate tax strategies.


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About the Authors

Amanda Han and Matt MacFarland of Keystone, CPA Inc. specialize in cutting-edge tax-saving strategies for real estate investors across the United States. They are both members of the prestigious American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and, as real estate investors themselves, Amanda and Matt have extensive experience in real estate–related tax strategies, entity structuring, and self-directed investing.

Their passion for educating investors has taken them to many national platforms on which they teach tax strategies and self-directed IRA investing, including NBC News Radio, Talks at Google, and Realtor Magazine. Their first bestselling book, Tax Strategies for the Savvy Real Estate Investor, has sold more than 30,000 copies.

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  • Ebook and Audiobook: If you don't want a physical copy of the book to keep on your shelf and take notes in, but only plan to read the book on your iPad, Kindle, or another e-reader, choose the ebook version. Or, choose the audiobook version and listen away! We’ll send you the Mp3 files to download and play on a device of your choosing, or you can listen to the audio directly on our website after purchase. [Note: Not all free bonuses are included with e-book or audiobook purchase.]
  • Physical Book: If you want a physical copy of the book to read on real paper that you can take notes in and put on your shelf forever, then choose the paperback version. (You’ll want to feel our layflat matte-film covers, trust us!) As an added bonus, get free shipping anywhere within the United States.
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All BiggerPockets audiobooks are made available on Audible a few weeks after their release date, which gives Audible the necessary time to review and approve the files. We will announce the Audible release on our Instagram account, but you can always order the audiobook from the BiggerPockets Bookstore!
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Yes! We provide discounts for major bulk orders and for certain educational purposes. Please email [email protected] with your request as we review each on a case-by-case basis.
Who are these books written for?
These books are for anyone interested in financial freedom, the benefits of tax planning, or real estate investing in general. Don't even know what financial freedom is? This book is a great place to start. Already have a few properties under your belt? This book will help you learn how to take your work to the next level. All you need is dedication to your future.
What is the meaning of life?
This question is quite common, so let's address it. While we can't tell you the exact meaning of life, we can tell you a few things we are confident are NOT the meaning of life. Slaving away at a 9-to-5 job for forty years—just to retire on what's left of our social security system—is not the meaning of life. Lacking financial resources to support your favorite charity is not the meaning of life. Missing your kids' soccer games because you were too busy working is not the meaning of life. So why do so many people spend their lives at work? Free yourself. Refuse to be part of a culture that values work over relationships. Find ways to create passive income through real estate so you can build your own dreams rather than spend the next decade building someone else's. Travel. Take risks. Read. Love. And then give back. Oh, and pick up a copy of this book. It'll help!