18 February 2014 | 8 replies
The power of the crowd is a 10x multiplier.

29 April 2015 | 31 replies
Real Estate Investing Abbreviations *REI Abbreviations* *AFD* - Agreement For Deed *AITD* - All Inclusive Trust Deed *APR* - Annual Percentage Rate *ARM* - Adjustable Rate Mortgage *ARV* - After-Repaired Value *BOM* - Back On Market *BOR* - Board of Realtors *CAD* - County Appraisal District *Cap* - Capitalization *CCIM* - Certified Commercial Investment Member *CCR* - Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions *CFD* - Contract for Deed *CLTV* - Combined Loan To Value *CMA* - Comparative Market Analysis *COCR* - Cash on Cash Return *COF* - Cost of Funds *COO* - Certificate of Occupancy *CRB* - Certified Residential Broker *CRE* - Creative Real Estate *CRS* - Certified Residential Specialist *DBA* - Doing Business As *DCR* - Debt Coverage Ratio *DOS* - Due On Sale Clause *DOT* - Deed of Trust *DSCR* - Debt Service Coverage Ratio *FCRA* - Fair Credit Reporting Act *FFE* - Furniture, Fixture, and Equipment *FHA* - Federal Housing Administration *FHLMC* - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Freddie Mac *FMR* - Fair Market Rent *FMV* - Fair Market Value *FNMA* - Federal National Mortage Association, Fannie Mae *FRBO* - For Rent by Owner *FSBO* - For Sale by Owner *GMAC* - General Motors Acceptance Corporation *GRM* - Gross Rent Multiplier *HELOC* - Home Equity Line of Credit *HML* - Hard Money Lender *HOA* - Homeowners Association *HUD* - Housing and Urban Development *HVAC* - Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning *IRA* - Individual Retirement Account *IRC* - Internal Revenue Code *IRR* - Internal Rate of Return *IRS* - Internal Revenue Service *L/O* - Lease Option *L/P* - Lease Purchase *L/S* - Landlord Seller *LIBOR* - London Interbank Offering Rate *LLC* - Limited Liability Company *LOC* - Line of Credit *LOI* - Letter of Intent *LP* - Limited Partnership *LPOA* - Limited Power of Attorney *LTV* - Loan to Value *MAI* - Member Appraisal Institute *MAO* - Maximum Allowable Offer *MIP* - Mortgage Insurance Premium *MLS* - Multiple Listing Service *MUD* - Municipal Utility District *NAR* - National Association of Realtors *NIV* - No Income Verification *NNN* - Triple Net Lease *NOD* - Notice of Default *NOI* - Net Operating Income *NOO* - Non-Owner Occupant *O/F* - Owner Finance *OO* - Owner Occupant *P&S* - Purchase and Sale *PITI* - Principal Interest Taxes Insurance *PMI* - Private Mortgage Insurance *POA* - Power of Attorney *PUD* - Planned Unit Development *REI* - Real Estate Investing / Real Estate Investor *REIA* - Real Estate Investors Association *REIT* - Real Estate Investment Trust *REO* - Real Estate Owned *ROI* - Return On Investment *RTO* - Rent to Own *SFH* - Single Family House *SFR* - Single Family Residence *Sub2* - Buying property subject to existing financing *T/B* - Tenant Buyer *TAA* - Texas Apartment Association *TAR* - Texas Association of Realtors *TIL* - Truth In Lending *TREC* - Texas Real Estate Commission *UBIT* - Unrelated Business Income Tax *UCC* - Uniform Commercial Code *VA* - Department of Veterans Affairs / Veterans Administration K Marie Poe, WDYT?

25 February 2014 | 15 replies
- $100 clean out junk- $200 for the cleaning crewThen multiply my estimate X 3 because it's your first time.

25 February 2014 | 6 replies
It's hard to hit this gross rent multiplier in CA unless you go pretty far inland to areas with lots of empty, buildable land.
27 February 2014 | 20 replies
Some properties will earn more and some will earn less, but if you average $300/month/property, multiply that x 20 properties and that gives you $72K annually.

26 February 2015 | 7 replies
Whether you are talking about Gross Rent Multiplier or Cap Rates, these numbers are ratios based on price.So, Cap rate is income/value.GRM is Value or price/income.So if an income approach is used, the numbers used in the income approach should normally come from sales in the market.

2 April 2014 | 5 replies
According to http://livebaltimore.com/city-living-essentials/property-taxes/, Current (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014) tax rates:Baltimore City: $2.248 for every $100 of assessed property valueMaryland State: $0.112 for every $100 of assessed property valueSo, I'm terrible at math but it seems like I should be able to take an assessed property value, divide by 100, then multiply that times 2.36.But then when I calculate the taxes based on tax assessment, for example, in this listing: http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/322-E-33rd-St-Baltimore-MD-21218/36477903_zpid/, and trying a few years' worth of assessments and taxes, I get a number that is about $50-55 off.
2 April 2014 | 4 replies
I just don't know what rate to use.When considering for a rental the first number calculated is the gross rent multiplier.

23 September 2019 | 7 replies
I just wanted a bit of help if you may know is the Formula to offer the seller the same in every state, like for example is Arizona still multiply by (0.7) as you do in Virginia by chance?

28 June 2017 | 19 replies
**READ ALL QUESTIONS MORE THAN ONCE be clear on what is being asked because you will be given A LOT of superfluous information and you will go into overload trying to plug everything in,*** Math questions Draw a "T" on paper as soon as you sit down On top of "T" write P (Part) Lower left write R (Rate) Lower right write W (Whole) UNDERSTAND what you are solving for.. plug in what information youre given and solve accordingly.Ex. if numbers are side by side multiply, if above and below TBar divide.KNOW how to compute HUD calculations for both Seller and BuyerKNOW types of estates and agencyGodspeed