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Posted over 14 years ago

DIAL 1-800-707-0744: SELL your house NOW, AS-IS! ...or BUY at a GREAT PRICE!

Need to sell your house NOW?  Want to sell QUICKLY without fixing up or cleaning?  How about a great deal on an INVESTMENT or HANDYMAN PROPERTY?  Or a HOME OF YOUR OWN, even if your financing won't quite work?  Call 1-800-707-0744 NOW, and check out our free pre-recorded messages.  We at iNTak Corporation want you to know: you can SELL your house, even an older one, right NOW! you can sell you house AS-IS, even if it needs repair, cleaning, or updating! you can STOP FORECLOSURE, if you're getting behind on mortgage payments!

...all about our featured INVESTMENT or HANDYMAN property! to BUY the investment or handyman house YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR! to get a HOME OF YOUR OWN, even if you can't quite get your financing to work!


Dial 1-800-707-0744 and listen to our FREE PRE-RECORDED MESSAGES on how we can help you SELL or BUY NOW!

Be sure to visit our websites: if you want to SELL your house if you want to BUY a house or property

And email us at [email protected]
