I think the biggest thing holding me back from taking the plunge is who I can trust. I live overseas and though I come in from time to time (to the NYC area) I have to rely on others. Any suggestions??
Are they the same?
I am trying to understand the difference between the two.
Hello again BP community. I'm new and eager to get into REI for Buy and Hold BRRRR's mainly looking for cashflow in North Eastern PA. I met someone through a meetup group, and they recommend getting my investment busi...
In a typical land trust, a grantor transfer title of a property to a trustee, with the beneficiary having power of direction.In a typical revocable grantor trust, the grantor can revoke the trust at anytime and transf...
Hello Everyone!I'm currently house hacking in WA and I'm just about to close on a property located in OK.There are a few very informative (and old) posts that i wanted to discuss further and hear some thoughts. I'm st...
So I've read through a lot of the land trust info and find myself still a little muddled about it.So here's my question.My wife's parents own their house outright so we are trying to figure out whether or not to sugge...
I am wanting to purchase property using a "Trust" document. What's the best approach, hire a lawyer to do the trust, find a sample trust document with all the necessary pages and create one from that, or what? Any a...
Hey guys I have a pretty complicated matter, at least for me at the moment . I recently closed on a duplex through FHA. Currently the home is in my name but I am a curious about a strategy that I saw some where in p...
Do you all have a Trust that owns your rental properties? I have an LLC-but have not switched the homes into the name of the LLC. I feel lost on how to do this. I have called a lawyer wanted to charge me $1200 and wou...