Hello BP!!!Does anybody have experience being a member of Tax Lien Investment Club. I was quite quick to join them in a "free real estate investment seminar" from Success Path, but after realizing that Succes Path is...
So the Owner has been dead for 3 years and and did not have a will. The brother (who i spoke with) has been paying the property taxes for the last 3 years.
The deceased owner has a daughter who he didn't have a relat...
Hello,I'm a new member of the forum, and I do have an issue with my HOA that I'd like to discuss. In this situation, I'm a homeowner, and I currently owe several years of HOA dues to the association. For various reaso...
Hello,I will try and keep this as short, but detailed as possible. My experience with RE is at best limited to the BP podcasts and a little reading material, as I have only decided a few months back, that I would like...
Hey BP!So there is this home in my neighborhood. It is in a very great location here in Richmond Texas. I always knew for awhile no one lived there due to the condition of the fence and the backyard is trashed. Unfort...
The following examples of mortgage and real estate fraud investigations are written from public record documents on file in the court records in the judicial district in which the cases were prosecuted.
I'm new to this forum, but hope to add value since my area of expertise (credit repair) benefits real estate investors and seems to be neglected in this community.
On October 23rd, the Federal...
Of course, it still has to pass the Senate - and it faces an uphill battle there - but the House of Representatives has voted to abolish Dodd-Frank .What are your thoughts?
BP member Scott Hubbard posted the Freddie Mac link below in another thread but after reading it, I thought it was important enough to highlight it on its own. To me, it was pretty eye-opening as to what Freddie (and...
Over the past few years as I travel the country, I hear more and more people saying that their municipalities are now requiring Landlords to let the city into their rental properties. On top of that, the Landlor...