I'm looking for an investment vehicle with little to no risk that doesn't generate taxable income until I want to cash it in some number of years in future. Obviously savings account might be 2.2%, but it continously ...

I've been a real estate investor and broker since I was 19 years old I'm 38 now. Ive always had 95% ++ of my investable assets in real estate... mostly residential real estate, apartments, and shopping centers. I neve...

Where would you recommend to park your money while you are saving to buy a rental property?

Hi BP! I want to keep my current properties with low interest rates locked but need to buy a property for my primary residence. I don’t have enough funds for downpayment for that. Would you recommend to draw some mone...

Hi BP, I would like to get a Roth IRA and I am wondering if someone has a recommendation on which company (Fidelity, Vanguard etc.) to invest with and maybe a particular Mutual Fund they like? I am looking for high re...

Hey folks, I'm interested to hear how people prefer to store their cash (i.e.; cash that they need to have very quick access to).As we all know, most methods of keeping cash (e.g.; savings accounts) are getting hit wi...

Looking to get some info on Municipal Bonds. I've read they're relatively safe and about 2%-6% ROI. Anyone have personal experience? Thanks in advance.

Where do folks keep their cash reserves, any recommendations on banks or savings accounts, CDs, etc that offer at least some interest? Perhaps an online bank (only) that offers at least some return?Of course, for a lo...

My wife and I currently have three Ally savings accounts:
1). Emergency fund (4 months or so)
2). Investment savings (automatic contributions each pay period and dedicated to investments outside of our Roth/401k’s)

How are you finding deals in the Austin area? I have not found a single property that would outperform a municipal bond fund in a year of searching.