Alright...I am going to post what happens every week in my real estate business. Why? So you will learn from my mistakes as well as get inspired by my successes. I also hope by doing this, BP Nation will help me ac...

I was born and raised in CA. It's so heartbreaking to see what is happening to it. A recent poll says that 46% of the people plan on leaving the bay area. Let's do our own poll (FOR CALIFORNIANS or those that recentl...

All:I've recently spoken to a few REIA groups in my area about my business and I thought it would be a good idea to share this info in the forums.I've been investing in college student rentals for 12 years and current...

Hello BiggerPockets!I stumbled upon the Morris Invest Case Study by @Ian E. and am now inspired to document my current investment with the company. This is kind of a long post, but I hope you stay with me. Clayton Mor...
Today, in Sept 2018 the Stock Market is at 28,000. An all time high. The average wage is $26 per hour. It takes 1,077 work hours to “buy the market”. That is, if you buy one share each of the stocks of the Dow, the co...

There are so many people and companies out there who claim to be wholesalers and many more newbies who claim to want to start out in wholesaling as a means to get started in the biz.
Let me tell you about a recent ex...

Back in March 2013, BiggerPockets and J Scott collaborated to release two books -- The Book on Flipping Houses and The Book on Estimating Rehab Costs (check them out here if you haven't already). As part of the book ...
I have been watching the last 4 months in absolute awe. Unemployment is through the roof, businesses are going bankrupt, most people are staying home not spending money yet the stock market and Real Estate market are...

How will the actual crisis impact the real estate market in your opinion?
The fact is that , justified or not, the crisis has already hit many businesses including hospitality & tourism, transportation, financial...