Hey everyone. I'm a newbie working in Philly, Pa and I just wanted to get some opinions or experiences on the Williams & Williams auction. I've read some of the older posts about them on here, but has anyone atten...
Hi BP, does anyone have any experience buying a property at auction (either an in-person auction or online auction) from Williams & Williams? If so, what can you share about your experience? In hindsight, what d...
can you lease option your home if you used an FHA loan?
This auction house has come to South Carolina and this is one unhappy consumer. Three rejections on the same home after a month of chasing down folks at Williams & Williams (Tulsa, OK.). Guess it's one of those...
Hello BP
I'm looking for BP meet ups in the Des Moines IA area?
I'm a big fan of his strategy of investing. I've also read his book. Does anyone know the back ground of how he developed the pyramiding strategy of buying small income properties adding value through physical im...
Hi my name it's Santiago Williams, I'm 27 and looking to start flipping houses. I have no experience but I'm willing to learn. This has been something I really wanted to do for a while now, I just don't have any money...
Where do I find the calculator for evaluating property