Hello BP! I am an Active Duty Army Staff Sergeant (E-6) currently at 9 years 5 months Time In Service with 10 months left of Active Duty service. This will put me at exactly 10 years 2 months TIS. I am struggling w...
Needless to say I'm not having beginner's luck when it comes to connecting with a general contractor. I have attempted to contact 3 different GCs thus far and only heard back from one. The one that responded pretty ...
Or is it just incomplete?
House 1:
Units: 2
Gross Rents: $1,000
I am in the process of looking for potential/motivated sellers in order to do some wholesale deals (enough to get me the money to do my own rehab/flip). As I've been researching, I see a lot that Wholesalers turn out ...
If you had a million dollars and it was the only million you had sitting in a money market account drawing less than 1% per year how would you invest it?
I joined BP in March of last year after stumbling across the site while searching for real estate information. After a few months of research and study, my then-fiancé and I decided we would pursue rehabbing/wholesali...
I don't quite understand the american ideal sometimes; now here i go. i'm starting this because it was request, i understand we all come from different places and look at the same situations differently but please no ...
After my most recent post on Realtor.com projecting Stockton to be the #4 metro market in the nation in 2018, I've received the same question over and over and over again:"But WHY Stockton? What's so great about it? A...
It seems that purchasing property in all cash would have the best outcome for investments. The owner would not have a mortgage. The owner would have to pay property taxes. Buying with all cash gives the owner the opti...
I've searched around the forums looking for someone in a similar situation but it seems like not many are where I'm at.I'm 21 years old and just recently got engaged. I don't yet have any investment properties. I know...