Today the mail lady came to give me a certified letter. I signed for it and opened it immediately. It was a letter from Homevestor's attorney. The attorney stated that I was in violation of Unauthorized use of Int...
I recently purchased a Lead Propeller website to try to gain some traction for generating more organic leads. Does anyone have any additional tips to further optimize my site to help push it to the top of Google?
Hey BP Family.After two years of sitting on the sidelines I am finally ready to start looking for properties again.I need a realtor with financial experience on the west side of Cleveland.Does anyone know of anyone th...
I just ordered a new copy of Deals on Wheels. It says it is 'Revised for 2013." According to the description, it now has solutions for the SAFE act. Has anyone read them new one and how were the solutions? If no one ...
Hey folks,I am making moves to find my first rental property that I will also be living in. I'm in the process of getting a lender and finding a deal, but I was wondering how have people been able to buy a house, move...
Just looking to see if anyone has had any large success in any new SEO tactics.
Hi everyone, I'm new here and am starting to build another income stream by generating motivated seller leads. My full-time gig is to invest in income-producing websites (digital real estate) and I'm working backwards...
This question gets asked countless times... Should I start with SEO or PPC? The answer to this is simple, do both. You have to have to be utilizing both to fully maximize revenue opportunities.If you only focus on PPC...
Hi BPer,I have never done a lease option or fancy seller finance in the past. The only seller finance I have gone through is that seller is lending me 10-15% toward my down payment. Fortunately, I met a local guy who ...
Hello BP,Long time listener and consumer of information, first time posting. Have seen a lot of introductions lately and thought it would be a great chance for me to introduce myself to everyone as well. I'm David Lem...