Michael Copeland
An open letter to ALL WHOLSALERS!
16 October 2013 | 9 replies
It's truly amazing to see the wealth of knowledge displayed on this website from people that are actually successful in this venture!
Christopher R.
How can I solve a seller's problems if I'm using conventional mortgage?
13 September 2014 | 34 replies
This means I can help them by buying cash, closing fast, etc.In YellowLetters.com, a lot of their pre-made postcards even have the word "CASH" displayed very prominently.But it seems to me that I'm less useful to a motivated seller if I'm using conventional mortgage because I'm not able to close in a couple of weeks and I won't be able to pay them cash, I need to have the property inspected, etc.But since I don't have any investment properties yet, I could use conventional mortgages for my first 8 or so properties.
Greg R.
Housing crash deniers ???
14 January 2023 | 2904 replies
To your point lower class lower middle class have much less displayable.
Zach Ziskin
Selling using a realtor vs. flat fee MLS
10 March 2017 | 5 replies
You handle everything else from there on out.A full service realtor, will do all the marketing they will run open houses, good ones will create solid collateral marketing materials to hand out, run display ads in local papers, have Broker Open houses, etc.Now you can do all of that as well, but when it comes right down to it, what is your time worth.
Krishonda Johnson
Got a response from mailers
25 May 2019 | 17 replies
You are displaying the reasons that wholesalers get such a bad reputation.
Annette Hibbler
What's holding you back? 10 Steps to Make A Move
9 April 2014 | 17 replies
Fake it if you have to and display confidence.
James York
Why are you refusing section 8 vouchers?
19 March 2023 | 212 replies
The ignorance on display here is mind blowing !!!
Josh T.
Idaho "Dealer in Options" Law
25 January 2016 | 18 replies
Please excuse any displayed frustration above in making a point, nothing is meant personally."
Dany Namou
Must I pay a commission split for this type of Deal?
22 April 2017 | 35 replies
I love all the feedback and responses, and it really displays the tremendous value of these forums.Thank you all!
Mike H.
BiggerPockets PM System Complaint
17 June 2014 | 12 replies
As for the number of messages displayed, I see 7 total on a page.