Hi Rich,
You're not too far from CCIA which is Chicago's largest, longest running and easily most respected club. I have been to their meetings and they are good. They meet at the College of Dupage the third sunday of each month. Jane's been at the club thing for 30 years and does a good job of it. Product is sold at each meeting so be ready for that part, but the networking is good. Nevertheless, starting one within your area that works specifically to your area is a very good idea. You pick up information and leads on deals from people that don't have the time to get out to Glen Ellyn.
"Although I don't really want to spend my time putting one together, I think it is essential to have one in the area. How do I go about getting one started?"
The best way to start one is to just start it. A good friend of mine started with 3 people meeting and it grew to 100 within two years. Just go for it and start it.
"Also, although I have been doing research for a long time, I'm essentially a newbie. Can I still start something without having a huge amount of experience? "
The same aforementioned friend had no experience when he started his. Your purpose as a REIA leader is to get people into the room and get experts in front of them. Find the experts (who have experience, not just something to sell) and that will take care of the experience issue. West Suburban's Landlord Association will probably be your best resource for experts as it relates to rentals in your area. See who they have speak.
Contact me when you decide when to have your first meeting and I'll help you market it through some free sources that help a lot.