Hello, My name is Anthony! I am looking for some realistic help and advice. Being 18 I have little to no money, and no credit. You see the problem in that? First off I am determined to be successful, I know a lot of people say that but, I TRULY MEAN IT. I don't want to work for anyone but myself, I understand I might have to in the beginning but, in the future I have no plans of that. I will become financially free, I am determined.
Anyways, I was looking at wholesaling to start. I did a ton of research, then of course came across the legality concerns with it. I personally believe that it is perfectly fine if you have the intent to purchase. I have no money or credit, so my intent would be simply to assign the contract or double close. Changing the wording of that to make me seem like i didn't lie to the seller would be lying. So, with that being said I'm lost. I have no money and no credit and i'm not going to tell distressed people that I plan on buying their house If there is a chance a buyer can back out and nobody buy their house. I know that I can get a contract to protect myself legally, but no contract will protect my image to the public or persuade my moral compass. If I had the money I could just close because I actually intended to buy the property and resell or flip it/rent it. Is there anyway to actually legally and ethically get started, without money or credit. I have a basic understanding of finding a partner but, I would not put a house under contract with no buyer guaranteed and if i was to market the house to that partner before being under contract would I not be acting as an unlicensed broker?(breaking the law)Should I get my license? Is there realistically any way for me to pull it off 100% legally and morally?