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Posted almost 15 years ago

The 10 Commitments now applied to your Real Estate Internet Presence

I held a training seminar a few months ago in Charleston South Carolina in the office of Exit Realty and the Principle Brokers had a board on which these 10 commitments were prominently written. I was so impressed that I wrote them down – I am not sure who originally gathered all these ideas in one grouping but I found them to be powerful and inspiring.

This is my attempt to parallel these fabulous ideas and focus them on the Real Estate Professional work on her (his) Website (I welcome your elucidations if you feel inspired to write any!!!)

1.   I will trust I can do what my talents let me do.
becomes: ”My talents can extend to my customer connections on the internet – I will use my website to connect with clients and serve their needs.”

2.   I will not react negatively to unexpected change.
becomes: “My Website is not focused on Good News – it is focused on the Solutions Sellers and Buyers are seeking.”

3.   I will take positive action everyday.
becomes: “My daily interactions with my clients will trigger ideas and solutions I can post on my website for the benefit of all.”

4.   I will make positive growth a daily part of my life.
becomes: “My local knowledge of communities, events, activities, and changes are the scaffolding of decision making for my clients – I will share them on my website.”

5.   I will not allow other to define who I am or what I can do.
becomes: “I will not be distracted by the noise and distractions online and will focus on immediate solutions for my clients.”

6.   I will not procrastinate in doing what I know I should do.
becomes: “I will blog once a week focused on my market happenings, statistics, and important changes to the local Real Estate Market.”

7.   I will not give up because things get tough.
becomes: “I will trust that my efforts online will payoff and use them to get more listings and offer excellent marketing.”

8.   I will not sit and wait for things to happen.
becomes: “I will inform myself using local news, local city and county codes, local real Estate changes, and thoughtful Internet Farming.”

9.   I will invest my time – not waste it or abuse it.
becomes: “I will recognize that lots of internet activities are consuming of my time and not beneficial; I will remain focused on my agenda.”

10.  I will strengthen my clarity not feed my confusion.
becomes: “Learning is a journey I undertake willingly – I will chose the appropriate mentors and partners in order to grow my business.”

A note from Key Yessaad: “It is important that you bring your Web Services in-house and within your control; make it a daily habit to implement Internet Marketing that solves your Real Estate Buyers and Sellers Problems – embrace your Internet Presence.”

Real Estate Extreme Niche Marketing - an Internet Strategy for Listings Success

Phillip Taylor of Exit Realty of the South in Nashville Tennessee

of Exit Realty of the South in Nashville Tennessee has a very creative mind. Philip placed on Facebook this YouTube Video and truly made my day. I am so glad George Styron invited him to attend as well as his Exit colleagues in Nashville - it was truly a fantastic training day!!! Thank you George.

Phillip Taylor Video Testimonial

Web Link: The Ten Commitments applied to your Real Estate Internet Presence
WordPress Real Estate Blog: The Ten Commitments applied to your Real Estate Internet Presence
RealTown Real Estate Blog: The 10 commitments altered for your Real Estate Internet Presence
Trulia Real Estate Blog: The 10 commitments applied to Real Estate Internet Marketing
Realtor Talk Real Estate Blog: The 10 commitments and how to apply them to your Real Estate Internet Presence
WannaNetwork Real Estate Blog: The 10 Commitments adapted to your Real Estate Internet Presence
Zolve Real Estate Blog: The Ten Commitments adapted to your Real Estate Internet Presence
Merchant Circle Real Estate Blog: The 10 commitments applied to your Real Estate Internet Presence
Condo Real Estate Blog: The Ten Commitments fashioned to your Real Estate Internet Presence
Broker Agent Social Real Estate Blog: The 10 commitments applied to your Real Estate Internet Marketing Presence
Zimbio Real Estate Blog: The Ten Commitments focused on your Real Estate Internet Marketing Presence
WetPaint Real Estate Blog: The Ten Commitments and your Real Estate Internet Presence
Google Docs Published Document: The 10 Commitments harmonized with your Real Estate Internet Markerting Presence
Blogger Real Estate Blog: The 10 Commitments harmonized with your Real Estate Internet Markerting Presence
Vox Real Estate Blog: The 10 Commitments adaped to Real Estate Internet Marketing Visibility
Local Blog: The Ten Commitments and your Real Estate Internet Visibility
A Greater Twon Real Estate Blog: The 10 Commitments applied to your Real Estate Internet Presence

Real Estate Internet Marketing, Real Estate Web Exposure, Real Estate Internet Presence, Real Estate Search Engine Visibility, Real Estate Internet Trainings, Real Estate Google Marketing, Real Estate Web Trainer, Real Estate Blogs.

Key Yessaad - Real Estate Web Trainer and Internet Strategist & .
To train, inspire, and coach Real Estate Professionals succeed is my passion. I specialize in training Realtors to compete online. My Trainings and Internet Strategies intersect in my seminars with powerful ideas and Plans of Actions that produce results. Google or call me (910) 538-6610 and let’s discuss how I can help your Agents climb the Google Tree of Success. I can tailor my Real Estate Seminars to the level of sophistication of your agents and I promise they will leave inspired and will produce results!!! Read some of the Realtors Testimonials. Follow me on FaceBook or Twitter.
