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Posted almost 15 years ago

Rehabbing Homes for Fun and Profit in the Cincinnati Area

Rehabbing Homes for Fun and Profit in the Cincinnati Area

Buying residential properties, fixing them up , and reselling for a short term profit is commonly known as “rehabbing”.  Rehabbing is an excellent investment strategy, particularly in the Cincinnati area, though there are some things to be aware of if you are considering this lucrative real estate venture.

One of the main considerations is the tax issues associated with the profits.  Because the timeline for rehabbing is usually just a few months from identifying the property to the closing of the sale, this technically generates short-term gains, which are taxed at a higher rate than long-term gains. The other consideration is that if you rehab and resell too many properties, the IRS could potentially consider you a “builder” and that has major tax implications as well.

One way to solve both problems is to hold the properties for one year and one day, by fixing them up and renting them, then listing them for sale approximately one month before the one year anniversary of the purchase.  This converts the profit into a long-term gain, and you can use a 1031 exchange to shield the profits from taxes.

Equity Team helps investors locate properties that are suitable for rehabbing, but when it comes to actually fixing up the properties, there are some things you should be aware of.  First is that you make your money when you buy, by buying at rock-bottom prices, so only work with motivated sellers.  Second, make sure you estimate the repair costs accurately, and get bids from multiple subcontractors so that you don’t overpay for repairs.  Use only licensed subcontractors except for general labor.

Also, repair and renovate only to the standards of the neighborhood and the expectations of the buyers for the price range.  Don’t “over-renovate” because you won’t get a return on the extra money spent.  Shop around for the best prices on fixtures, carpet, etc. and don’t be afraid to put in “used” fixtures.

Always get full home inspections while you have the property under contract, and if anything significant, like structural / foundation issues arise, walk away from the deal.  By houses that are in good condition but that just need carpet, paint, and some landscaping, and a few fixtures, and when you resell it, you’ll get a great return on your investment.

There are numerous other considerations as well, but the experts of are experienced guiding investors to the properties that are suitable given your investment requirements, goals, and aptitude for undertaking a renovation project. Let experienced pros help you make an informed decision so your project has the maximum chance of turning into a nice payday for you in the end. Contact the today to start locating suitable properties in the Cincinnati area that are just right for you!

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  1. CITY BRANDING CHICAGO, TOKYO, RIO or MADRID are the applicant cities for 2016 Olympic games. An event supposed to be followed by more than 4.000 million people around the planet. Obviously, and since the games are being broadcasted by all TV channels, this event is supposed to feed the most aggressive marketing campaigns for most consumer brands and what is more important, positions the host city in a privileged place in terms of international exposure and knowledge, extremely beneficial for tourism and Real Estate developments. Formula 1 world series championship tours every year around places such as SINGAPORE, MONACO, SAO PAULO, BARCELONA, ISTAMBUL or KUALA LUMPUR. The TV audience is incredibly remarkable, mainly in the Asian territories, while the assistance to the circuits does not matter that much in terms of cash income, this event positions each of these cities as glamorous destinations, and therefore they become extremely profitable for touristic and Real Estate purposes. MONACO is more known in Asia by the yearly MONACO GRAND PRIX than for being a very wealthy and glamorous country-city place in the south of France. KUALA LUMPUR was introduced to the world in a wide basis through the image rights of the PETRONAS TOWERS appearing in this championship merchandising. ABU DABHI is for this year 2009 the new city that hosts a Formula 1 race, and together with Bahrein mean that 2 cities in the Middle East have decided to focus their City Branding strategy through this competition. Tennis events, through the currently called TENNIS 1000 MASTERS SERIES, are trying to emulate F1 world tour effects, by joining cities such as DUBAI, SHANGHAI, TORONTO and the traditional MIAMI – KEY BISCAYNE or INDIAN WELLS championships. Soccer European leagues such as the PREMIER LEAGUE in England or LA LIGA in Spain found out that becoming global was a great solution to increase the number of fans mainly in Asia and Latin America. Therefore, sponsors began to pay huge amounts of money to place an ad in the break time of a match, or even to sponsor the own teams through world tours. This has been translated into huge salaries for players and agents, and an incredible return in image rights for the soccer teams. MANCHESTER UNITED is actually the world´s most famous and valuable team, followed by REAL MADRID, MILAN, LIVERPOOL or FC BARCELONA. In Madrid, Spain, the REAL MADRID FC Stadium guided visit enjoys during some monthly periods more affluence of visitors than even the PRADO museum. What would be the recognition of LIVERPOOL or MANCHESTER as worldwide cities without their soccer teams ?? ( Apart obviously, in the case of LIVERPOOL, for being the place where THE BEATLES phenomenon was born ) How can we measure the real economic impact for these ?... It is extremely difficult to validate since the tourism income, the assistance to local restaurants, pubs, or the sale of merchandising and souvenirs is very disaggregated. But, what becomes undoubtful, is the development of the worldwide image of these cities projected through these events. “City branding” strategies are also focused on huge and notorious Real Estate developments. Dubai is famous around the globe for being the city with more cranes in the skyline, including the building of the tallest tower in the world- BURJ DUBAI-, the most expensive hotel –BURJ AL ARAB-, the artificial islands on the water, or the ATLANTIS Condo extra glamorous inauguration. Also important to identify the city worldwide, are the key political and social personalities or celebrities that decide to move or spend vacations in these locations. Dubai is famous to be the vacation home of tennis legends such as Roger Federer or Boris Becker and F-1 seven times champion Michael Schumacher. Costa Rica has added to its nature attractions the fact that this is the place where Mel Gibson spends his holidays, or the Dominican Republic is being repositioned as a luxury destination mainly due to the international singer Julio Iglesias moving from MIAMI to PUNTA CANA to drive his investments in condo developments and golf areas. The monthly stays of Tennis champion Rafael Nadal during their relax periods also help to expand the Dominican image as a luxury tourist destination. If we get into the official surveys, the annual issue of the WORLD´S BEST CITIES TO LIVE outcomes the following list of places: 1- VIENNA 2- ZURICH 3- BERN 4- GENEVA 5- VANCOUVER Obviously, the indicators to survey these places outline the public services quality, environmental issues, health facilities, air quality, pollution, and the dynamism or the cosmopolitan mixture of the people living in the cities. I consider myself a worldwide traveller. I have been travelling around the globe for a long time, and therefore, I have my own list of cities also classified under criteria such as the most cosmopolitan, trendy or dynamic…: 1- SAN FRANCISCO 2- SIDNEY 3- MIAMI 4- TORONTO 5- VANCOUVER If we dive further in my list, anyone can find certain common aspects: - The first three enjoy an incredible warm and sunny weather along all the year. - The five cities enjoy an incredible mixture of nationalities, cultures and religions living together under the same atmosphere. - Gay, racial and religion communities allow them to develop a special lifestyle, quality of leisure services, and dynamism. As well as a continuous renovation spirit. - They are all placed in incredibly beautiful landscape environments. Obviously the prices for the properties listed in each of these cities reflect perfectly the personal characteristics mentioned. SAN FRANCISCO is the second most expensive area in the US, behind MANHATTAN in NYC. A 67 M2 apartment in a fancy community surrounded by the famous bay views is worth more than 1,5 million euros. SIDNEY harbour properties, close to the famous OPERA house, may be at prices around 2 million euros, for a 100 M2 condo apartment. Finally, MIAMI SOUTH BEACH luxury resorts, with private yacht marina, and amenities such as tennis courts, gym facilities or social clubs, may be fixing their quote at 1 M dollars for a 90 m2 property. VANCOUVER was selected by the HONG KONG millionaires as their living place after the Chinese break up in the famous S.A.R. They decided to leave HK afraid of the communist Chinese future impact, and transformed VANCOUVER from a lonely place into a dynamic and trendy location. Properties in gated communities outside downtown start at 1,5 M dollars. In terms of investment, it is clear that the business opportunities are on forecasting the future renaissance of a place before it becomes a hot destination. Therefore, this is a very difficult task since it depends on the government investments decision or the movements of celebrities from one vacation destination to another. Was it easy to forecast that DUBAI was due to become what it means today ? How can an average investor identify opportunities such as VANCOUVER before the Chinese Break up in HONG KONG ? To identify some opportunities, I would add in our current worldwide financial situation the following: - MIAMI DOWNTOWN: The new developments to be projected in Brickell area, now stopped due to the credit crunch in the US. - MEXICO DF downtown area, heavily impacted by the PESO devaluation of more than a 50% in one year. - RIVIERA MAYA condo resorts, with the option to rent the units for those months not occupied, and therefore very useful to pay the mortgage associated without any cash outflow. - PANAMA – Av BALBOA AREA luxury lofts with a little pre-payment, and complete cash outflow at the end of the construction, with the option to rent the unit at a 12% rate per year. - RUMANIA, TURKEY or even MOZAMBIQUE in AFRICA will become hot opportunities in a 5 year timeframe, mainly for the vacational investment, but obviously with an added risk because of the government stability and specific property owning conditions. I would finish this article mentioning that the current credit crunch is creating huge opportunities almost every day in the Real Estate investments around the world. It is only a question of cash disposal to make extraordinary deals !!! Jose Luis Revilla Escudero Chairman & CEO WWShares, Inc -Global Wealth Management –