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Posted about 15 years ago

The Model of a Golden Business

In the real estate business, whether you are a real estate agent, broker, mortgage lender, home stager, title rep, home inspector or virtual assistant, you're only as good as your word.  We rely very heavily on "word-of-mouth" advertising in our respective businesses.  So, it's very important that we can back that up with a reliable and. 

I started Second Self Virtual Assistance in 1997 at my kitchen table because real estate professionals in my little town asked me for their help.  I have built a reputation over the years of reliable service and integrity.  Because of that reputation, my little company has grown from serving a few agents in a small town to serving a large group of real estate professionals across the nation.  I am very proud to say that 95% of my business is referral-based.

As professionals, I believe that we should simply follow "The Golden Rule": Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.  When a client comes to you and speaks ill of another professional, the best way to handle yourself with class and dignity is to listen to your client's concerns and offer them advice on how they can resolve their issue.  A client who is already in distress over another real estate professional's treatment of them will be grateful to have a level-headed individual helping them out.  We need not resort to tearing down our colleagues in order to get ahead.  There is plenty of business for everybody.

In the end, as service professionals, we only have our reputations and that is it.  If we work hard and provide the absolute best service we possibly can, that's all we can do.  And what if we happen to build work relationships that ultimately become long lasting friendships?  Well, that's the icing on the cake.
