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Posted about 15 years ago

Newsflash for Bloggers - Enter the Kindle Sphere


Enter the Amazon Kindle marketplace with your blog.  Your blog subscribers will be able to read your blog while on the go using their Kindle app.
Amazon has just announced its new publishing and blogging tool that allows you to upload your blog to the Kindle Store.  Thats right - any blogger can enter the Kindle sphere!
Subscribers will be able to subscribe to your blog for $0.99 to a $1.99 per month.  As blog owner, Amazon will share the profits with you.
You can create an new account, enter your setup information, including your blog feed, in just a matter of minutes. You can then preview the blog immediately after setup.
Establish yourself as a real estate expert in your community with a published blog on AmazonKindle and get paid for your efforts.

Comments (2)

  1. Hi Justin: It's my job to stay current with the latest trends, products and services for realtors. Actually, it's my passion. I find a lot through forums and plain old searches. Glad you found it useful.

  2. That's pretty cool. Thanks for the info. How in the world did you hear about this? Justin