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Posted over 15 years ago

Right Words/Actions at Right Time...

Hi All:
I am traveling on business this week while Brian is holding down the fort and marketing the services of Short Sale Calc at home. Some of our discussions this weekend were about saying and doing the right thing and having it actually be the right time to change some one's life or thought processes.

This actually happened to me, this past weekend; we hit a road block in one of our dealings and after several hours of contemplation and discussion between each other about how to handle it, Brian said "wait its o.k., it will work out o.k.; maybe this is God's way of protecting us from something negative." I looked at him and thought "wow maybe you're right". This completely changed my negative thoughts to positive ones in a split second.

Have you ever had someone say something or do something that makes you turn your thinking 160 degrees for the better? Words and actions are powerful devices that we often take for granted. And, we as human beings have the ability to change our fellow human beings' lives and not even know it. I know in Brian and my life we try to build others up instead of breaking them down even further than they might already be.

These words or actions could be as small as a Hello, a smile, a thank you or a hug. And, as real estate professionals we need to be cognisant of our actions and our words with the people we deal with everyday because often they are dealing with the loss of a home, the loss of emotional and/or financial security. Are you one to build up or break down? You might not even know if you are because we often overlook this trait because we are busy rushing from moment to moment and don't realize we do it; I know I have done it.

I ask that you think of your words and actions before implementing them and remember the Golden Rule; "Do unto others as you would have done to you." If you make this a thoughtful process iftbecomes a habit and it can change the lives of more people than you could ever imagine.

Plant a seed and watch it grow! I hope I just did with this blog entry.


P.S. Please go check out; it can change how you do your short sales everyday.
