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Posted over 7 years ago

Networking and delivering real world, street smart REI info.

As anyone that knows me knows- I put a lot of emphasis on networking. The more people that we know the more opportunities that will come our way. One of the things that I decided to do at the beginning of this year was to network more because I feel like I may have some changes coming up in the future and I might need some help getting there. Well, call it the law of attraction or luck but here is how it went- I kept hearing about the company- Hard Money Bankers. There name kept coming up and I kept hearing really good things about them. The one thing I knew is that I didn't know them- but I wanted to. So, like a good boy, I wrote it down. A couple of weeks later a person that I know walks up to me and invites be to attend a Master Mind event- held at the Hard Money Bankers office!! Law of Attraction? Luck? Who knows? Anyway, of course I went! The event was great and I met some really good people that are doing great things. I felt like I was with family even though I didn't know most of them. The next thing I know I am getting an invite to speak at a Meetup that the Hard Money Bankers hosts once per month. I agreed and went on to speak to around 200 people. This was a great opportunity for me to meet more people and to further establish my reputation as a decent guy that has a successful business. I appreciate the trust that they put in me to deliver the real world, street smart investing strategy that has  given me the  freedom that I was looking for. If you are interested, here is a link to a video of the presentation-
