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Posted about 12 years ago

For Newbies

If you want to get started in REI you should begin with some cheap easy stuff- like some books and the internet. You should also look for a local REI club in your area. Those are great places to meet others with varying levels of experience. The best part of most of the meetings is networking with other local people. Leave your credit card at home because if they have a "guru" talking then they are probably going to try to sell you something and if you buy it right now you will get a free blah blah blah. Don't get caught up in the hype. I went to a meeting 2 weeks ago and met a very successful rehabber with 20 years of experience. I knew who he was and he recognized my name but we had never spoken. So, anyway, we met for lunch a week later and then we went to a house that he is about to list that he is almost finished rehabbing. It was a great experience and I hope that I can find a great deal for him in the future so that we can both profit from it. So, if you are new, go to meetings and talk to people. Find those that are successful and ask them if you can take them out to lunch. Truly successful people will be happy to talk to you and give you some advice. Beware of the bad guys. You will probably know them when you see them! I'll get back to you about formal mentors and coaches and what to look for in a while...
