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Setting Goals to Die For

Thursday, February 24

The difference between achieving your dream life and living unfulfilled can come down to something very simple, clear goals. Eric and I often meet people who are amazed at what we have accomplished in just a few short years. We always tell them we had a very clear vision and defined goals. Wit...

When to Hire Someone

Friday, February 18

How do you know it is time to hire someone to help in your business? Many people advocate hiring everything out from the beginning while others think it is wise to do some of the work yourself so you learn the business and know what to look for and expect from your contractors, property managers...

Overcoming Your Fears

Thursday, February 17

Do you have fears holding you back from being your best self or starting a new venture? I have found myself in a cycle of self-doubt and fear each time we start something new which has led to a few tricks to overcoming my fears. Fear often comes from a lack of clarity or the unknowns in life. H...

Living A Purposeful Life

Wednesday, February 16

“Where your talents and the needs of the world cross, lies your calling, vocation, purpose.” —Aristotle Merriam-Webster defines purpose as “the reason why something is done or used : the aim or intention of something.” Oftentimes we get so busy in life that we forget our Why and just focus on su...

Wearing Many Hats as an Investor

Tuesday, February 15

As Real Estate investors and entrepreneurs, we balance many things in our life. Between the multiple facets of running a business, managing family relationships, and finding time for exercise and personal development and growth it can be challenging to manage all of these hats that we wear. I oft...