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Posted about 3 years ago

Six Affirmations to Help You Think Like a Millionaire

Our thoughts play an essential role in shaping our lives and future, which is why we need to be careful with what thoughts we feed our minds. Affirmations are a powerful tool to build motivation and confidence to help you achieve your goals.

I say the following six affirmations every day to put me into a millionaire mindset, so I can be in a good headspace to tackle the challenges of the day. These affirmations help me to see roadblocks in a better perspective, and also allow me to focus on solutions rather than the problems.

So, here are the Six Affirmations to Help You Think Like a Millionaire:

1. Be Efficient - Being efficient means doing things right the first time. To quote the old adage, “Measure twice, cut once.” You should always strive to use 100% of your focus when you are working to avoid any mistakes, which ends up saving you time because you will not need to do anything over again.

2. Be Effective - Being effective means you are doing things in the right order of priority. Identify which tasks are more important than others, and plan how you can accomplish them in the best way possible.

3. Spend most of your time doing non urgent important activities.

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All the tasks that you are presented with on a daily basis fall into one of four quadrants on the matrix above. The first quadrant refers to things you do that are not urgent and not important, for example, watching Netflix or playing video games. These activities waste your time and draw your attention away from what really matters.

The second quadrant refers to the things you do that are not important, but feel like they require your urgent attention. These are deceptive tasks like responding to your fantasy football group text. You feel like you should respond immediately, but in the scheme of things, that text really is not that important.

The third quadrant pertains to the kind of tasks that are both important and urgent. These are important situations that come up and trigger you to react immediately. This could be something like a potentially profitable property becomes available and you need to act immediately (i.e., view the house, write an offer, and send it to the listing agent).

The fourth quadrant involves tasks that are important, but not urgent. These are the things that have no time constraints, but if you do them, it will result in personal and career growth. For example, as a real estate investor, you can look at and research new farm areas. Then when potential deals come up, you are ready to make offers. Your proactive attitude can lead to more deals and more opportunities that will grow your portfolio. Spend ample time in this last quadrant, because these tasks will lead you to success.

4. 20% of Your Activities Yield 80% of the Results - Focus on the 20% and delegate the 80%. As a business owner, realtor, property manager, and father, I am presented with a myriad of tasks on a daily basis. I make it a habit to evaluate each of these tasks to ascertain if I can eliminate, automate, delegate, or do them myself.

5. Make More Mistakes and Fail Your Way to Success - My dad used to always say that failure is the mother of success. When you fail and make mistakes, you learn more than if you get things right doing it the first time. So, go out there, try new things, and make mistakes. You become better, smarter, and wiser as you take on and survive errors or failures along the way.

6. Don’t Worry About the Things You Have No Control Over - Every day, you are bombarded with a multitude of things you have no control over. Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to thinking about what you can create. Don’t waste your time worrying about things out of your control; it will drain your energy and leave no space for anything else in your mind.

Incorporate these affirmations into your daily routine and see all the positive changes in your energy, mindset, and life!
