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Posted over 3 years ago

Now Its Time To Find Out Why They Are Selling

The most important thing you need to ask yourself is what am I going to do with this home if I decide to buy it, luckily for you there are many options in the mobile home business.
Remember when coming up with an offer price you need to find out why they are selling that is your top priority when you go look at a home. People sell for many reasons such as death, divorce, disease or disaster, if its one of these 4 you should be able to come to an agreement when you look at the home. if the seller just wants to sell chances are good they will be looking for top dollar and you may not be able to come to an agreement.Lots of factors go into why people are selling its your job to find out why. You have to keep in mind this is a people business and need to build a relationship with them in case they won't sell to you today but maybe they will tomorrow. its also very important to come up with a price that is a win for the seller and the buyer. I read on here everyday that people say if you offer does not make them made its to high, I'm here to tell you if you make the seller mad there is no way they will sell you the home.When we talk to a seller we always ask why are you selling and then don't say another word until they are finished telling their story, once they are finished we know exactly how to proceed with our offer, over time you will be able to do this as well. Most of the homes we look at the husband will usually meet us to show the home the first question I will ask to break the ice is ask them how their wife or husband feels about the home, I can't tell you how many times that one question will tell you all you need to know to buy a home.Hopefully after reading this you will have a couple of ideas when talking to sellers. 

happy investing 
