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Posted over 4 years ago

How about a bombshell in Indianapolis!

I would like to have discussion, start a list (a group), whatever you want to call it. BiggerPockets has made such a positive impact on investments. I want to do something to help inform out of state investors investing in Indianapolis. This is way overdue!

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Feedback, whatever you want to call it – experiences, success stories , failures – all of it. Let’s help inform OOS investors investing in Indy. Best practice information  / worst practice informtion. This includes:

unrealistic comps and projections

bad contractor estimates, huge change orders that make your deals not work

success stories

bad/good wholesalers to work with

bad\good buyers & sellers to work with

bad contractors / good contractors, GC’s, rehab companies, PM’s, and project managers

performing brokers & under performing brokers

Retail, flips, rentals, BRRR(s)

I’ve seen good players and some bad players in INDY. I’ve seen good practices & “not so great” practices

I encourage you to share your experiences. I’m not interested in names and trashing people, just a sound review of investor experiences.

I’m hoping for a lot of success stories – who to work with in Indianapolis and who to do additional due diligence on.

Feel free to post or reach out! Remember, this is not about trashing companies or individuals – it is fully about providing information based on experiences, so please NO names.

How can we help others investing, purchasing rentals, refinancing or BRRRR, flipping and rehabbing in Indianapolis?

Thank you, 

Ritch Bonisa
