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Updated over 8 years ago, 08/17/2016
So I hear many times from investors to look at hundreds of deals before making an offer. My question is where are these hundreds of deals. I know obviously my situation will be different from others due to my location but its hard for me to run into one deal every two weeks. This is what I mean, I am looking on the MLS everyday and most of the houses are in horrible areas and stay on the mls for a long time or they are overpriced. I look at craigslist and I only see houses in war zones. I drive for dollars every week but usually only find a handful that look empty and out of those maybe 3 that I can send letters to owners. I hear of many people who want to sell their house but everytime they are in horrible areas that everyone avoids so I don't even bother looking. The upside is from the experience that is around me and from doing my own research I have been able to build a strong criteria to focus on and know markets through my realtor who is an investor and people in my real estate club. So I want to look at hundreds of deals and analyze 3 a day but where are they?? Just curious if it sounds like I need to take a different approach or am missing something?
Any advice greatly appreciated