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David Hori
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Is Pace Morby a Scam?

David Hori
Posted Oct 10 2023, 16:37

I've been vetting gurus to determine where an investment would return the greatest ROI. Many gurus dangle their network, trainings and resources but few deliver real value. Fewer still actually show-up to deliver the value in-person.

Pace was the only one I encountered who showed up live, who is living these deals out every day and consistently finding ways to deliver (increasing) value to his community. The quality of people in his community is exceptional - yes there are world class experts, yes they hustle and are brilliant. But what's most compelling is that he's managed to curate a group of people who also care for each other and care about HOW they conduct business. They're not out to just make money, but take care of homeowners, business owners, partners, etc and their well-being. 

Real estate investing wasn't on my radar - my focus is business acquisition, but once I encountered the Subto community and saw for myself how much they were willing to extend to me for free, I had complete confidence in making the investment.

Peace of mind with such an investment does not come cheap for me... I lost my job in July. I'm living off of cash reserves and burning through it - there is a well dry date looming on the horizon. I'm confident in the value that Pace is creating and what the Subto Community is delivering every day.

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Juan Zavala
  • Investor
  • San Jose, CA
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Juan Zavala
  • Investor
  • San Jose, CA
Replied Jul 12 2024, 16:02
Quote from @Jonathan Chan:

I'm actually in the subto group and it's not a scam. I'm curious to see what experiences Mike's had within the community. I'd be happy to jump on a call or even a zoom to show you what's available.

 Can we connect? I’m thinking of joining the community.