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Updated over 12 years ago, 08/28/2012
Running credit/background check on stay at home mother
I have a family that wants to rent one of my units. The wife is a stay-at-home mother of three. Do I need to collect an application fee from her as well as the husband to run her background check? She won't be responsible for any of the rent payment.
Jeanette J. you don't need to run any reports. I like to. Some people don't.
For all you know she has a credit card addiction the husband pays for.
Jeanette J. It's best to run a background check on every adult that will live in the house not just the rent payers because their actions can have a direct effect on the payer, you, and the house.
I collect application fees and run credit/background checks on everyone who will potentially be living in the house that is over the age of 18.
I agree with Shanequa J.. I run a check on all adults. Even though the wife doesn't have an income, she could have a nasty criminal record, past evictions, judgments, etc.
Originally posted by Rob K:
+1 for run everyone.
No telling what's in her past .
As everybody has stated already, you run background checks on all occupants 18 and older, regardless. You might find the prior felony conviction for possession with intent to distribute (yeah, I found that), or the prior eviction (yeah, I found that too), or the recently repossessed vehicle (yeah, it sounds like a broken record - found that too). Could even be that this mother has kids with some other guy and has to pay that guy child support!
And your only real opportunity to gather that data is during the application process; once you've accepted them, even if you get the data, what would you use it for?
Jeanette J. You stated the stay at home mom would not be responsible for any of the rent. Why would you not make all adults signing the lease rsponsible for the total rent? I'm just curious. After reading other threads on here regarding divorces, break ups, etc., why wouldn't you have recourse to protect the payment you receive? What would happen if she's on the lease, but not responsible for full payment and the husband leaves?
Thanks for all your input. I guess I will make it a rule.
And Michael.... I just meant that she wasn't bringing in any income. If something bad did happen and her husband took off, I'm certain that I would not get any rent from her even though it would be stated on the lease that they are both responsible, even individually.
Originally posted by Jeanette J.:
And Michael.... I just meant that she wasn't bringing in any income. If something bad did happen and her husband took off, I'm certain that I would not get any rent from her even though it would be stated on the lease that they are both responsible, even individually.
People lie. Run the check. Charge them for it. Hopefully it will be fine.
Jeanette J. I gotcha. With both of them liable for the rent and on the lease, if something like that were to occur at least eviction and jusgement would be a lot easier. I agree with Brian Hoyt, Steve Babiak, Mark H., and basically everyone else. Run the check, its cheap insurance to cya. I hope it goes well for you. Good luck!