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Commercial Real Estate Investing

Commercial real estate investing differs in many ways from the more traditional residential real estate investing. Property income, expenses, and values are often calculated differently, and success in this business often requires speaking the language of commercial real estate fluently. In this section of the BiggerPockets Blog, you'll find articles that discuss every aspect of commercial real estate imaginable. From different types of lease agreements, financing solutions, and valuation methods, we've got it all. Authors in this section include commercial real estate investors with decades of experience.

 Richard Warren

Rolling “Craps” in Sin City

 Anyone who pays any attention at all to real estate knows that Las Vegas has been absolutely hammered by the real estate downturn. At or near the top in foreclosures,…

 Ted Karsch

Business Owners Buy Commercial Real Estate

With interest rates now at historically low levels and the United States  many business owners have been considering the purchase of commercial real estate for their business locations. The benefits…