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Financing the Investment Project: Leaving Nothing To Chance

Mike Farmer
2 min read

The importance of financing is so great it pays to leave nothing to chance and assumption. Knowing the local lenders and what they like to invest in is critical to finding the right lender for your investment project. Also, presenting a compelling case to the lender is important. These two aspects lay the foundation for creating a successful project.

This goes back to preparation and research. You might also want to research private financing, which entails knowing wealthy people, or knowing someone who knows wealthy people.

Having a good idea of what’s the favored investment in a local area will no doubt play a part in the choice of the investment project. But if you have followed advice and have become knowledgeable of your area, you should have a good idea about trends and the financing possibilities.

You have also, no doubt, become knowledgeable enough to exude confidence when you present a project to be financed. It also pays to have gathered support from influential people you know in the area who can vouch for you. Having references will allay doubt, unless you know the lender personally. It may be a process getting to the right decision maker, so you should be persistent and not give up at a first brush-off. Getting to know the assistant might be the first step, and it might take more than a few visits to get in the right door. Everything you learn from the first few failures will be important in devising a better plan.

Establishing rapport with those along the way will help clear the path — if what you present is compelling, you can advance, but the lower players will not likely stick their heads out if you seem unsure are don’t have a good presentation.

This is where having a good team already assembled helps . If you have chosen a well-known attorney and accountant, and have chosen property management (if it will be needed) and solid, quality contractors, then this shows that work has been done and others have looked at the project — it shows you are prepared and that you are a serious investor.

Having a good resume will be impressive, one that shows your skills and experience and why you would be good at this type of investment. Most lenders want to say Yes, but they want everything in place to be able to say Yes.

Make it as easy as possible for the lender by being co-operative and having others vouch for you — you might be good at selling yourself, but to a lender it will only be self-serving — a lender will be impressed if others who are influential and respected are selling you.

The bottom line is that the more you know about the right decision-making lender, the better you can plan a presentation that will be accepted favorably. Having all the numbers clearly crunched by an accountant, having all the legal ramifications covered by an attorney, all the construction aspects assessed bya contractor, all the management lined up and factored in, will present a strong case for acceptance — much stronger than if you go in alone and brag on yourself and idea and basically ask a lender to go on faith .

When an idea is reasonable, researched and the numbers make financial sense, AND you have a team behind you, the chances of getting financing are greatly enhanced — who knows, you may have lenders competing for the project, which would be even better.

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.