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Learn How to be a Good Real Estate Agent: Gary Shlitz Goes Viral

Joshua Dorkin
1 min read

I received an email earlier today from someone who wanted to share a “clever marketing video” with me. I get many emails like this every week, and most of the links that are shared are simply a waste of my time. Expecting the worst, I followed the link and was in for a pleasant surprise — I was glued to the video from the start.

The video below is a perfect example of a viral video that is not only clever, but that also meets its purpose – to promote a product or service, the Harris Real Estate Group out of Vancouver.

So, without any more delay, I would like to present to you a man named Gary Shlitz, who will instruct you how to be a good real estate agent . . .

Meet Gary Shlitz

. . . by NOT being like Gary Shlitz!

Kudos to the guys behind this video – I’m a huge fan now!

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