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5 Tools & Pieces of Equipment Crucial For Major Renovations

Larry Alton
3 min read
5 Tools & Pieces of Equipment Crucial For Major Renovations

Are you looking to renovate your home or flip a new property investment? Well, whenever you take on a major renovation or rehab, the speed of the project depends on three things. First, you need a bit of luck. You never know what’s hidden behind walls and underneath floors. Encountering an unforeseen issue can set you back weeks. Second, you need the right people with adequate experience. Third, you need the right equipment. Unfortunately, so many DIYers forget this final piece of the puzzle.

Even the most talented renovators and designers are powerless without the appropriate tools. A lack of equipment either prevents you from completing the projects on your to-do list or forces you to take chances and potentially make dangerous mistakes along the way. If you’re planning on a major renovation anytime soon, it’s pertinent that you have the right tools and equipment on your side. It will accelerate the process and ensure everyone stays safe.

5 Tools & Pieces of Equipment Crucial For Major Renovations

While everyone has their own preferred tools for specific jobs, the following common items should be on every renovator or amateur contractor’s job site.

Circular Saw

A favorite among DIYers and renovators alike, the circular saw is a versatile tool with the power to easily cut through multiple boards. The beauty of this tool is that it’s handheld and portable, allowing you to cut boards, molding, or just about anything else without having to go continually move around the job site.

Circular Saw

Related: 9 Steps to Follow When Tackling a Large Rehab Project

Compound Miter Saw

While the circular saw may be portable, the compound miter saw is much more accurate and powerful. It’s usually installed into a permanent workstation and gives the user incredibly precise, clean cuts. Most miter saws can cut through a wide range of 2x4s, crown molding, and even 4x4s. The most flexible aspect of the compound miter saw is that it can cut at multiple angles with very little effort. Whether you need a 90-degree cut, miter angle, or bevel cut, it’s as simple as rotating the saw blade and locking it into place.

Cordless Drill

It’s virtually impossible to get any major job done without a cordless drill. And before you try to argue that a corded power drill is more powerful, consider convenience and practicality. Many job sites either don’t yet have power or have limited access to outlets. This either limits your usage of the power drill or necessitates the usage of long, cumbersome extension chords. The choice is yours, but most opt for the slightly more expensive cordless option.


When gutting a house or taking on major renovations, you’re going to have lots of trash, scraps, and waste. Sure, you can deal with most of this on your own, but you should never attempt to handle substances that you’re unsure about. If you run across potentially hazardous materials—such as asbestos, lead paint, or unknown liquids—and are unsure of how to proceed, it’s best to have professional contractors come out and take a look. They’ve been trained to handle these issues and have the right equipment and tools to deal with chemicals, liquids, and harmful wastes.

Related: Confessions of a Rehabber: Expert Tips for Profitable, Rentable Properties


Gloves and Eyewear

Nothing holds back a project like unforeseen injuries. While it’s easy to get in a rhythm and feel comfortable with the tools you’re using, safety equipment is always needed. Proper gloves and eyewear should be worn at all times. If you have people working on your job, it’s your duty to make sure they have access to the right equipment, too. If not, it could become a liability on your end.

Remember to Be Safe

Of course, if you don’t know how to properly use any of these tools and equipment, you should proceed with caution. Sometimes using the right piece of equipment in the wrong way is more dangerous and damaging than not having access to it at all. However, when properly wielded, these tools can help you get the job done in a fraction of the time.

DIYers: What would you add to this list?

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Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.