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Learn How Five Real Estate Investors Did their First Investing Deals

Joshua Dorkin
1 min read

A few weeks ago I started to experiment with video once again and created a new channel for BiggerPockets on YouTube. The goal was to use this medium to help spread the vision of our site, to educate our members and visitors, and to share useful and entertaining real estate-related videos. My friend Vlad thought a great use of the medium would be to put together a group project for BiggerPockets and as a result, we came up with the share your first real estate investment deal group video project.

I realize that this is a new medium for many of our members, and the response wasn’t as huge as I would have liked, but I am happy to say that we got some great videos that we wanted to share with you. After watching the videos below, please be sure to follow the links to these member’s profiles and check out their websites. I want to thank all of them for taking the time to share their stories for all of us to learn from and enjoy. Without further adieu . . . .

What Was Your First Real Estate Investment Deal Video Project

Jon Klaus of Dirt to Dollars:

Sam Parkins of Buy Sell Build Virginia:

Maryann Little of Rapid Property Relief:

Brooks Conkle:

John Fedro of Mobile Home Madness:

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.