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The Best Mortgage Program Ever?

Justin McHood
1 min read

Many people across the nation find themselves in a situation where they owe more than their home is worth and they are wondering what their best option is.

Should they short sell their house?

Should they try to get their loan modified?

Should they let their home go into foreclosure?

Should they just keep making their payments?

All of the above are possible options – but no matter which one you choose, one thing remains clear: if you go late on your mortgage payments for any reason, there is a good chance your credit is going to suffer.

And if your credit score suffers, chances are that you won’t be able to buy another house.

Unless you get wise to the best mortgage program available for people who find themselves in a tough spot where they owe more than their house is worth.

Did you realize that there is a mortgage program that doesn’t care if you are:

  • currently in foreclosure?
  • currently late on your payments?
  • recently short sold your house?
  • have a poor credit score because you chose to walk away from your house?

There is.

It is called seller financing.

Meaning, the person that you buy a house from agrees to carry you – and since they are effectively your lender, it means that you only need to provide whatever they require in order to qualify.

Heck, it is entirely possible that you might only have to sign the back of a napkin in order to have them carry your financing — it is up to them.

So if you find yourself in a situation where you won’t qualify for a traditional mortgage program start looking around for a home where the seller will provide financing.

You might be surprised what you find.

The best mortgage program ever?

If you can’t qualify for a traditional loan, it just might be.

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.