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Real Estate List Building Secrets – Capturing emails and building your real estate list on AutoPilot- Part 2

Peter Kolat
3 min read

real-estate-squeeze-pageIn my last article, I started telling about list building using a little page called a squeeze page.  Real Estate List building is an essential strategy you need to use in your real estate business on the internet.  Today, I am going to continue on and tell you about the ingredients that are required in a successful real estate squeeze page.  Not only will I give you the ingredients, but I will give you some examples of headline starters to get you started.  In my past article, I told you about the first important element of a successful squeeze page, the incentive to get people to opt in. Now, let’s get going with the second ingredient, shall we?

Starting from the top of the squeeze page, the second most important part of the squeeze page is your headline. Headlines make your visitors decide right away if they want to keep reading your page. That’s the first thing they see.  You want to make sure that your headline is very predominant, catchy and something that’s going to affect them personally.  So when you write your headline, picture yourself being in your visitor’s shoes.  What’s bothering them?  What is their biggest fear?  What is their biggest hope?
Here are five killer headline template starter phrases that you can start using in your real estate squeeze pages.
“Secrets of … ”
“How to…”
“Seven breakthrough ways to….”  Or “10 breakthrough ways to…”

The third ingredient you want in your squeeze page is a sub-headline.  A sub-headline is a smaller headline just underneath the main headline. It’s in a smaller text, usually in black color and is not as predominant as the headline.  The main goal of a sub headline is to lead your visitor from your headline down to your bullet points.

Next, you need to create bullet points that will highlight the benefits your visitor will receive when then sign up to your list. You don’t want to specify features in there, you want to specify benefits. You want to tell them what your benefits are and what they’re going to gain when they give you their email address.
Fifth, professional graphics can increase your conversions in a big way.  If you have a report that you’re going to be giving away, it’s very important that you outsource or even create an ecover for your report.  Just make sure that the graphics look professional.  Bad graphics do more harm than good.

Sixth and the most important ingredient of your squeeze page is the opt-in box. The opt in box is going to request that they give you their name and email.  I would suggest that you only ask them for a first name and an email address. You can start asking them for their mailing address, the property and mortgage information later on in your relationship. But for now, all you want is to get is their first name and email address.

The seventh important aspect of the sqeeze page are testimonials.  Testimonials can help lift your conversion rates in a big way.  You can add testimonials from your past clients.  If you do, make sure that you put their name, location and a picture next to the testimonial.  That way, your testimonial becomes credible to the visitor.  Again, audio or video testimonials are even better and will help your squeeze page convert at much higher rates.

Last but not least is the privacy and Anti Spam policy.  In today’s internet world, people are very skeptical to give their personal information away to someone they never met.  They are afraid that they will get spammed to death by you or someone else that will possibly get their email from you.  In order to make that problem go away, make sure you put a couple of sentences under the optin box that are similar to the following statements: “We will NOT rent, trade or release your name to any third party for any reason – ever. We respect YOUR email privacy and hate spam with passion.”

You are now armed with eight must have ingredients for a successful squeeze page.  Remember to track your results and always split test and tweak your squeeze page to increase your conversions.  What conversion rates can you expect?  Well, it all depends.  They can go anywhere from single digits (not a very good squeeze page) to high double digits.  I have been able to achieve 62.3% conversion rate on one of my squeeze pages when viewed by targeted visitors.  You can do the same.

Until next time,

Peter Kolat

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.