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Buying Your Home Like an Investor (part tres)

Jason Hanson
1 min read


Alright. For those of you who’ve been following this blog you know that I’m searching for a new primary residence the “investor way”. Well, this week I’m going to show you the direct mail piece that I’ll be using to mail to absentee owners and it’s a beauty (it’s going to get an awesome response, because I’ve used similar mailings that pulled like crazy).

Letter to Absentee Owners (.pdf)

As you look over the mail piece, here are some important things to understand:

  • I used a picture because it makes the piece stand out and increases response rate
  • Personalization is very important on a mailing piece. You will see that I personalized the city and state and also used the person’s first name
  • I showed all of the benefits of working with me
  • I answered all of their objections and concerns at the end of the letter
  • I gave multiple ways to respond (phone, fax, email)
  • I told them the reasons for my mailing….because I wanted a new place to live

I highly encourage you to “steal” the ideas from this mailing piece and use it to put thousands of dollars in your bank account. Enjoy!

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.