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A Few Lessons Learned on Working with Property Managers

Joshua Dorkin
1 min read

I recently had an episode with a property manager and thought I’d share some obvious wisdom with everyone. We all have busy lives and from time to time we forget to do what we’re supposed to.


Stay on Top of Your Property Managers!

Don’t just assume that they are going to do everything you tell them to do.
I just dealt with a situation, where, had I been on top of things, there wouldn’t have been any problems. I needed a contractor to handle an electrical issue on an out-of-state multi-family property. I found one (always look for your own contractors and other servicemen – the odds are you’ll get a much better rate then the ones your property manager recommends) and set the ball in motion to get the job started last week. Today I get a phone call from the contractor asking when he can get into the property!

I was incensed!

Wasn’t my manager supposed to be handling that?
If I had stayed on top of things instead of just handing them off, they would probabaly have gotten taken care of (OR if they used their own people – managers work much harder when they get a piece of the action!). Instead, I had to get them on the phone and express my serious disappointment (ANGER).

That, my friends is another little lesson learned for me (AGAIN)!

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.