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8 Quick Tips for Naming your Website

karen rittenhouse
2 min read
8 Quick Tips for Naming your Website

We’re all bombarded with domain names and one of the first questions new investors ask is how to name their website. Websites are an absolute must as they add to your credibility and market for you 24/7, so here are some quick and easy naming tips:

  1. It’s best if you can use the same name as your company.

    Redundancy helps with marketing. Also, once someone knows your company name, they’ll typically go online to check you out. Having your website with all your personal marketing pop up is what you want to happen when they do.

  2. Make sure it’s easy to spell.

    Misspelling by customers means they don’t find you and figure you’re not legit.
    I write books. Publishers say books should be written to be understood by fourth graders. Makes me want to smack everyone, but I guess that’s where most of middle America reads – which means that’s where they also stopped learning to spell.

  3. Make sure it’s easy to read.

    Foreign words can be amazing but, if people don’t know what you’re saying, they won’t remember what you said!

  4. Make the words short and easy to understand.

    Driving down the highway, haven’t you seen some crazy websites on billboards? You will NEVER remember them! That’s why We Buy Houses and We Buy Ugly Houses became such huge successes and expensive names to own! Says it all in short words – easy to remember – easy to understand – easy to spell.

  5. Don’t use numbers in your name.

    Customers will be confused about whether to put in the number (4) or spell it out (four). Believe me, after 100 people ask you which way to type it, you’ll wish you hadn’t used a number. And, refer back to “Misspelling by customers means they don’t find you and figure you’re not legit.”

  6. Best if it has something to do with real estate.

    Tell customers what you do in your name. Starbucks, Apple, and Exxon didn’t worry about that, but we’re probably not going to be that large nor have nearly their marketing budget. When I get through explaining all the services we offer, customers often come back with, “Wow, All Property Solutions really is what you offer!” Yup.

  7. Careful with the plural.

    You’ll get asked a lot “is that with an ‘s’?” Again, repeating will drive you crazy over the years and any confusion increases the opportunity for mistakes on your customer’s part, or buying multiple domain names on your part.

  8. Use a local name

    …where possible. Chances are local is where you’ll continue to do business, so brand yourself as the local expert. Our area is made up of three small cities known as “the Triad”, so we use Triad in several of our company names. When we started out, our national coaches told us to get an 800 phone number. We did. It flopped. People didn’t like the idea of working with a national company that didn’t know or care about the community. We changed to a local number and our calls skyrocketed which, for us, proved that most people want to do business with a company they can reach out and touch.

Related: Your Guide to Finding a Quality Web Site Developer

As you can see, most of this boils down to one of the classics, “Keep it Simple Sweetie” (or something like that).

Websites are a must. Easy to spell, easy to remember names are the best.

If you have  a doubt about the name you’re considering, ask here for some BiggerPockets insight and feedback!

How did you pick your name?

Photo: kennymatic

Note By BiggerPockets: These are opinions written by the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BiggerPockets.