About the broker making any money off the transaction, yes! thats what i was telling him to begin with on the phone the first time.
i told him look, im in this to be an investor so i may benifit from the MLS access. I do not wish to do retail although who knows, one or two might come up every year. I also said, i dont know if you would be interested in having me on board because i wont be doing any retail sales on behalf of your company. he said, oh no its fine we would love to have you on board so come on down tomorrow at 11.
at the meeting he tried to sell me on the fact that invessting is great, and what i want is rental properties. I told him i will get to that point and i will also be doing flippin in the sense of wholesaling and possibly fixing and flipping. then he said, " look, the real money is in cash flow. flipping isnt where you want to be. And besides, if you sold retail, you can make alot more money than being an investor.."
then a saying rolled into my head from other investors i have talked to " you know why im not an agent? cause i actually want to make money", i started to think what this guy is really saying is, " you want to sale retail sales because i make more money off more agents if they do"
i understand they want to make money and i have no problem paying people their full commission, but this started to make me understand the intentions of the company. ohwell for now i will scratch the agent side, see how this pans out and if not, be an agent and dont partner!