How To Attract Leads Through Your Real Estate Investor Website
When you get a website for real estate investing, the next step is make sure it attracts leads for you and converts them to closed deals. Sadly, when most people get a website, they do not do any marketing at all, and assume the business will start flowing.
It is necessary to market your website so it brings you more business for you.
In this article we focus on how you can attract leads and convert them to closed deals through your real estate investor website.
1) Tools to convert leads
A good website for real estate investing must be well equipped so that once a visitor lands on the website, it takes over and converts that visitor to a prospect, and actively engages them. The goal is to convert every visitor to a closed deal.
Here are a few features that must form part of your website marketing tools
i) Speaking models
It takes only 20 seconds to lose a website visitor if you do not instantly capture their attention and engage them.
Speaking models are life-like people on interactive real estate investor websites that welcome the visitors with a friendly down to earth message that engages the visitor instantly and captures their attention.
Of course the speaking models must convey a message that interests the visitor and deliver a clear call to action message that leads to a specific action, such as signing up or submitting their house information.
The result is that a visitor signs up as a prospect, and future follow-up leads to a closed real estate deal.
ii) Landing pages / Squeeze pages
When you buy a website for real estate investing, it must come equipped with landing pages or squeeze pages for targeted marketing.
Squeeze pages request visitors for their contact information in exchange for a gift such as a free Ebook.
To make them more effective, interactive real estate investing websites also come with speaking models and video on some of these squeeze pages.
iii) E-books
E-books offer information that website visitors need. Your website must be delivered already equipped with these resources. To increase credibility, the E-books should come fully personalized with your company name with you as the author.
The website, or the squeeze pages, will collect contact information such as name and email before they can get the E-book for future follow-up purposes.
iv) Inbuilt autoresponders
Inbuilt autoresponders take charge once visitors sign up on the website. The visitors start receiving helpful email messages at carefully timed intervals. These messages come fully personalized with the visitors information to increase response.
The messages are written to build rapport with and prompt them to take the next step, such as call you or submit their house information.
They already think of you like an old friend by the time they talk to you.
v) Videos
Most people prefer to watch video instead of reading.
Your website must come equipped with the best of both worlds that caters for both people who like to read or watch video.
vi) Buyers lists
Your buyers lists are invaluable to selling houses fast. Your website must come equipped with inbuilt buyers lists and allow people to join your buyers lists as they view your properties.
You can easily get a buyer the same day when you send a brochure to your buyers list from your virtual back office.
vii) Social media
Everyone these days interacts with their friends through the social media. This is why your website must come fully equipped with tools for visitors to interact with their friends directly from your real estate investor website.
When they are viewing properties you have for sale, they can like them or recommend them to their friends on Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media.
They can also comment directly on your website through the social media. Their friends on these social media see these actions, leading to exponential exposure and more closed deals.
2) Search engine optimization
The purpose of search engine optimization is to position your website favorably in the search engines in comparison with your competitors.
Search engines rank more relevant and popular content higher than other content. These two elements must therefore come integrated on your website for effective marketing:
i) Relevance
Search engines can easily tell they type of content your website has when they index the content.
They do this by weighing the keywords on the website. Your website therefore must have each page carefully optimized for the keywords that you target.
To be effective, keywords must be represented in the meta title, description and content. It is important to create content for the human eye first even though it is optimized for search engines.
This way, each page is fully equipped targeting specific keywords.
Interactive real estate investor websites come fully optimized targeting your local area where you buy and sell houses. This way, they attract business locally.
ii) Popularity
Websites with a lot of back links are considered to be more popular by the search engines and rank higher.
So if you can build back links from high reputation websites, you can rank better than your competition. Search engines like to see links relevant, quality content from websites with a good reputation.
Search engines can penalize you if you are not careful how you build your back links.
Just a year or so ago, you could be number one in the search engines within a week because you could potentially create thousands of back links to your websites.
Today search engines will get you blacklisted for spam.
Interactive real estate investor websites also offer optional search engine optimization services that you can use for more visibility in the search engines.
3) Offline marketing
Always remember to include your website in your post cards and letters. Your website serves to convert all visitors to closed deals, including the ones you attract with your offline marketing.
You end up spending less time, money and effort when you let your real estate investor website convert leads for you.
Learn how you can use automated real estate investor websites to build your real estate investing business and close more deals, by making your work easier and more efficient investor.